in which john and paul have an anniversary

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Paul figured that he had really upset Barney quite a bit because Paul didn't see him for quite a few weeks. In fact, by the time Barney came around again Paul's "nineteenth" birthday had come and gone and George had graduated from school.

It was four in the morning, early in July, and Paul had now been on 1961 for six weeks. He was adjusting to his old life quite well, but he was beginning to wonder how this was all going to work out. After all, all of this could change his life tremendously - he could very well never meet Nancy! But on the other hand, he might be able to save Linda.

"Hello, Paulie," Barney said.

"Haven't seen you in a while," Paul said and looked at him pointedly.

Barney looked at him with tired eyes. He looked so worn down. "There was a battle. A big one. We were almost beaten, and we lost so many great men and women."

"Seriously?" Paul said.

"Yeah," Barney sighed. "Our people against those who are trying to tear the universe apart. They're starting to advance."

"Why now?" Paul asked.

"Because they know that if you fix this part of history, then that's a major victor for our side," Barney said.

"Are we in danger?" Paul asked. "John and George and me, I mean?"

"Not right now. The F.H.O. has you under such tight security, it's hard for most of our people to get near you without clear permission from the Head of the F.H.O.," Barney said.

"Oh," Paul nodded.

"Anything new around here?" Barney asked.

"Nothing," Paul shook his head. "This past month has been pretty uneventful."

Barney sighed and rubbed his hands over his face tiredly. He looked nothing like the fun and witty Barney who made ribs appear out of thin air to prove he had magic that Paul had met on his first day after being brought back to the sixties. "You really need to pay closer attention, Paul. Like, to everything. History cannot be fixed without this bit of information."

"I'm looking," Paul rolled his eyes.

"Well, look harder," Barney snapped, then sighed again. "You know what today is, don't you?"

"Like I could ever forget," Paul said. "I would never forget. Never have, never will."

Barney nodded. "Well, enjoy the big anniversary, and keep an eye out. I'll be in touch soon." Then he was gone.


"Happy anniversary, Johnny boy," Paul said when John entered the kitchen in the morning.

John laughed. "Happy anniversary, Macca. Has it really been four years?"

"Yeah," Paul nodded.

"Doesn't feel nearly that long," John sighed as he began to make his breakfast.

"I don't know," Paul shrugged and he watched John making breakfast. "I think it feels a lot longer."

"It's weird," John shook his head. "I feel like I've just met you, but I also feel like I've known you my whole life, you know?"

"Yeah," Paul said. "I feel like ice known you a whole lifetime long."

John turned and looked at Paul. "You alright, Paulie? You look a little down in the dumps."

Paul smiled snd shook his head. "I'm fine," he watched as John moved about the kitchen and he couldn't even begin to fathom how he had come to be so lucky as to have someone like John for a best friend, or how he had managed to lose him in every way possible, or how he'd managed to get him back. Paul just stood there in awe.

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