in which tessa returns

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     Early in July, Barney started checking up on Paul at least every other week, sometime every week. Paul didn't tell Barney about his encounter with Tessa because, in all honesty, he was just trying to forget about the whole thing. He didn't want to believe anything that she had said to him that night, he just wanted to keep any faith in the F.H.O. that he had left after discovering the White Room.

      It was good to see him a lot again. Paul really didn't like to go months without seeing Barney.

    The second weekend in August, Barney showed up with a huge grin on his face. "Lilly and I got married yesterday!" He exclaimed.

     "That's great!!" Paul cheered. "So she's now officially Lilly Lynch."

     "Yeah," Barney sighed happily. "I can't believe it. I've married my dream girl, a perfect baby girl, a good job, and I'm friends with Paul McCartney. What more in life could a person possibly ask for, you know what I mean?"

     Paul laughed. "I'm happy for you, Barney. I know I've said it before but I can't quite put into words just how happy I am for you."

     "Thank you, Paul," Barney smiled. "So, anything you need to talk about before I go?"

     Paul almost told him about his nightmare again and about everything he'd said to John, and almost told him about Tessa Todd and the "Unknowables" that he was sure did not exist. But he didn't. Just as he had done every time Barney had visited since Kylie was born, Paul almost told him everything...but he stopped himself and smiled. "We're going into the recording studio tomorrow to start working on With the Beatles,"

     "That's exciting!" Barney said.

    "Yeah," Paul nodded. "Anyway, get back to Lilly and Kylie."

    "Okay," Barney smiled. "See you soon?"

     "As soon as you want to see me, Barney," Paul chuckled. "Goodbye."

     "Bye," Barney smiled, and then he was gone.


     "Okay, next I want to hear...Hold Me Tight?" George Martin said. "And Paul, it says it's just vocals and an acoustic guitar?"

     "Yeah, I wrote the guitar and the lyrics," Paul nodded. "It's very simplistic..but I was wondering if George would play the guitar on the track?"

      George's eyes grew wide. "Are you serious?" He grinned.

      "Absolutely," Paul nodded. "Remember that guitar song I taught you last weekend? That's this song."

     "I'd love to play the guitar," George nodded excitedly.

     "Okay, get to it!" George Martin said.

     "John, Ringo, you can go for a smoke or something if you want," Brian said. "I'll come get you when we're done with this song."

     "Thanks, Bri," Ringo said. "I'm going to have a smoke, then. You coming with me, Johnny?"

     "No, I'm going to stay here and watch," John said.  

     Ringo muttered something inaudibly, then looked back up at John. "Suit yourself," he shrugged his shoulders and headed out.

      John watched Paul as he sang, he watched his lips. His full, soft, pink, kissable lips, and how they ghosted against the microphone as he sang sweetly.

     Well, fuck, John thought, shifting uncomfortably. His pants were suddenly much tighter than they had been a couple minutes earlier.

     "That was great, boys!" George Martin happily exclaimed. "'s getting late, actually, so I think that'll be a wrap for the day. You can let Ringo know that we're done on the way out."

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