in which they tie up some loose ends

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The following morning, there was a knock at the door. Paul tried to guess who was standing on the other side before he opened it, settling on the idea that it was probably George or Yoko, only to surprise himself when he found that it was Tessa of all people.

"Hiya," she waved. "Beautiful speech yesterday. I'm so sorry for your loss, Paul."

Paul smiled tightly. "Right. Thanks, Tessa."

"Who's this?" John asked.

"Nice to meet you," Tessa said, reaching out to shake John's hand. "I'm Tessa Todd. I've worked with Paul, George, Yoko, and Barney on and off over the years."

"She broke into the apartment one time," Paul said.

"Which apartment?" John asked.

"Our second one."

"Oh, yeah," Tessa said. "Well, anyway, if you two would please follow me. You're both being summoned to a meeting with the Council."

"The council," John sighed. "Always with new people to meet. All right."

"I think the room won't look so unfamiliar to you," Tessa said. "Come on." She led them to a big room with a long table. Darren and Marbella were seated at the head of the table together. There were others toward the head of the table that Paul recognized, as well: Tessa's sister, Stephanie, as well as Lilly. Facing them were even many more people that Paul and John both recognize. George and Ringo are sat together, the four members of Queen were squished together, and then there was Stuart, sitting as far from everyone else as he could. Yoko came in a few moments after Paul and John.

"Welcome," Darren said in a voice stronger than Paul would have expected, given that Darren had been shot in the neck a few days previous. But then again, twenty-third century medical technology. "Sit, sit," Darren went on, gesturing for them to take their seats.

Yoko, Paul, and John brushed by Stuart awkwardly and sat with George and Ringo.

"Well, there are a few things to be addressed today," Marbella said. "But after we're through, you are all free to go home."

An excitement buzzed across the room.

"So," Marbella went on sharply. "It would be helpful if you could be quiet until we're through."

The room fell quiet. Tessa took her place at the top of the table.

Darren cleared his throat softly. "We have decided to disband the Unknowables."

"What?!" John cried. "After all of this fucking mess this is how it's going to end?!"

"Mr. Lennon, if you please!" Marbella cried, exasperated. "Many of our people who have survived have asked to have their memories wiped. They want out of this business, and who can blame them? Right? So we're going through with it. Those of us willing to stay in the business, those you see before you that is, are forming the Council. Meant for the sole purpose of taking down organizations such as the F.H.O."

"Speaking of the F.H.O.," Darren said. "We know that we have taken down but one branch of their organization. So we have devised a plan to keep all of you, as well as your families, safe. We don't think the other branches will came after you immediately, but once we start taking down more branches, we are nervous for what they may resort to."

"I'll be taking over as acting advisor for you four," Tessa said, extending a handshake to each member of Queen.

"And I'm taking over for the Beatles," Lilly said, smiling.

Break Me One More Time [McLennon]Where stories live. Discover now