in which paul gets recognized

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     Barney and Lilly sat together on one side of the booth, and Paul sat opposite them. Barney was holding Kylie and he refused to let her go.

    "So, Chicago again. Reusing old ideas." Paul said sarcastically, smirking. "I'm afraid you're losing your creative touch, Barney."

     Barney laughed. "Oh... Shut up,"

     "I think it's lovely," Lilly smiled and kissed Barney's cheek.

     A waitress came over to their table, smiling brightly. "Hello, my name is Maria. Welcome to Uno's! Could I interest you in an appeti— oh my god."

      Paul looked up to see that the woman was staring at him with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. Here we go again, he thought.

     "Oh my god, I'm so so sorry," Maria shook her head and quickly laid down three menus on the table as she realized that she was staring. She blushed madly. "It's You look exactly like Paul McCartney did, like, fifty years ago! But you must get that all the time... I'm sorry, I'm just a huge Beatles fan."

     Is this going to happen every time I come to eat pizza in Chicago? Paul thought to himself.

      "That's okay, like you said, I get it all the time," Paul shrugged. "I'm used to it."

     "Oh my god, you sound just like him, too." Maria said, then shook her head again. "Sorry, sorry.. Just wow. You must be really popular with the ladies, huh?"

     "He's got a boyfriend, actually," Barney piped up.

      Paul went wide eyed in fright, momentarily forgetting that they were in the twenty first century and that being gay was perfectly legal. Then he remembered, and he relaxed.

     "Oh!" Maria said and grinned. "Cool! I've got a girlfriend."

     Paul beamed. It had been so long since someone could be open to him about that sort of thing without feeling like he could run to the police at any moment and have them arrested. "That's great!" Paul said happily.

     A while later, as they were all eating their pizza, and Barney was going back and forth between eating his own food and putting a bottle of milk in Kylie's mouth (he still wouldn't let anyone else hold her).

     "So, Paul, a lot of people tell you that you look like Paul McCartney, huh?" Lilly smirked.

     "Oh, yeah. Loads." Paul nodded. "Don't know why, though. Personally, I don't see the resemblance."

      Lilly laughed.  

     When they were done with their pizza, Maria came over and gave them the bill. "Can I ask you for a quick favor?" She asked Paul, blushing in embarrassment before asking her question.

     "Of course," Paul said.

     "Can I take a take a selfie with you? It's just that, you know, you look so much like Paul McCartney," Maria said and she blushed again. "And I have a friend who also really loves the Beatles, and so.. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you. I shouldn't have even — I'm sorry, I'll just — "

     "No, it's fine. It's really no trouble at all," Paul smiled. "I'd love to take a picture with you."

     "Oh, thank you so much," Maria grinned and Barney and Lilly were stifling their giggles. Maria pulled out her phone and knelt down besides Paul, getting both of them in the camera. She smiled, and so did Paul, and she snapped the picture. "Thank you again." She grinned, slipping her phone back into her pocket. "Take all the time you need with the check." Then, still blushing, she hurried away.

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