in which they go on one more adventure

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Author's Note: We've made it to the final chapter! Raucous applause and hysterical tears may now ensue. Worry not! There is a three-part epilogue coming your way. Enjoy this chapter :) and thank you for sticking with me this far.


"Right," Tessa said to Paul and George when they arrived at the Council's new headquarters.

"Whoa," Paul said. "The things you people can do with a day."

Tessa rolled her eyes, laughing. "Right, yeah. It's been a couple months for us. Now, I've got a small team assembled, including you two and —"

"Hey, what's up, idiots?" Someone said.

"Hey, Mr, McCartney! Mr. Harrison!" Someone else said.

They frowned deeply.

"Billy?!" Paul cried.

Billy Joel walked up them, grinning and waving. "Oh, right. Sorry. George, and Paul. How are you doing?"

"How are you here?" George said, blinking.

"Yeah," Paul said, wheeling around to face the first Someone that had greeted them upon their arrival. "How did that happen, Yoko?"

"Why do you always blame me?" Yoko huffed.

"I hardly always blame you!" Paul squabbled with her.

Yoko rolled her eyes.

"Okay!" George shouted. "Billy... Explain how and why you are here, please."

"Well, see, I got attacked by this crazy lady with like a laser gun?" Billy Joel said. "And she left some note about you, and then I woke up in a hospital in the future. They explained everything, of course..."

Paul groaned. "Of course, they did."

"So, I've joined up." Billy stuck his hands on his hips.

"You've what?!" Paul cried.

"Don't even get me started," Yoko sighed. "I keep trying to talk him out of it."

"You can't join up," Paul said.

"What do you mean?" Billy said. "I've already done it. Sounds important as hell, don't you think?"

"You've got no idea," George groaned.

"Yeah, and I've put up with it for twenty bloody years!" Paul huffed.

Billy raised his eyebrows. "That long? Damn."

"Yeah, and let me tell you, you do not want to join up!"

"But —"

"Can we hash this out later?" Tessa interrupted. "I'd like to get this over with. I've got a dinner date."

"Ooh," Yoko said.

"What, is this just like a day job for you?" Billy laughed.

"Yes," Tessa said. "Now off we go. I'll explain what we're doing on the way."

Paul tensed, and Billy grew excited, at the idea of what kind of adventure they could possibly be going on. Then Tessa started to ramble on about some wedding, of all things, that was going on among the Council members that evening. Paul and Billy seemed to be the only ones who weren't already in the loop and so they exchanged confused glances.

"Wait, is that really all that's going on here?" Paul stopped short and asked them. "We're going to a wedding?"

"Oh, no, it's much more serious than that," Tessa said. "Darren and Marbella are getting remarried."

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