in which time is fleeting

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January 1980

Paul got brought in for a check-in with the F.H.O. again at the beginning of 1980, just after the New Year had begun. They didn't attempt to look inside his memories, like they once had. Paul still found this suspicious, but Barney told him, once again, that he shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.

It was the same questions as the past two times he'd been brought in, and the questioning went relatively in the same direction. They asked about his plans in regards to keeping John alive, and he said that he had him tied down in England and he told them about the plans to start another album, and President Wilson did not seem impressed but he let him go. That was that.

February 1980

The following month, the Unknowables brought him, George, and Yoko in for an update on how John was doing. They said they would continue to do this throughout the course of the year.

"I thought you didn't care if he lived or died," Paul said. "You're putting a whole lot of effort in for something you don't even care about."

"We said we'd help," Marbella said. "We're helping. When are you planning to pitch doing a new Beatles album?"

"Over the summer," Paul said. "I've started slowly bringing the idea up to him."

"I'm going to start bringing up to Ringo next," George said. "We need to ease into it. We've been on break for a quite a while now."

"Good," Darren said. "That's good. I think you're on the right track, but we'll continue to check in."

"We appreciate the concern," Yoko said.

March 1980

In March, Paul and John went on a trip to visit Mimi. John talked to her on the phone all the time, at least once a week, but he hadn't been out to see her in quite some time.

Mimi was overjoyed to see them. She sat them down right away and started bustling, very slowly, about the kitchen, ready to whip up some food for them. "Vegetarian for Paul! I remember!" she said.

"Mimi, please, would you just sit and relax," John huffed. "Jesus, you're going to bust a hip."

"I'm just fine, thank you," Mimi snapped back. "I do live on my own, you know, and I have managed to take care of myself thus far."

John sighed, smiling. "I know that. But please, just have a seat and I'll make the tea. All right?"

"Oh, all right," Mimi grumbled, taking a seat across from Paul. "It's sweet of you, John."

"Anytime," John said, pulling tea down from the cabinets, and setting the kettle on the stove.

Mimi looked to Paul, but addressed both men. "You know, boys, I'm not going to live forever."

"You don't say," John said.

"Well, if anyone can mange it, I bet it'll be you," Paul said laughingly.

"Thank you, Paul," Mimi said, smiling.

"Ever the charmer, that McCartney," John said.

"But I'm serious," Mimi said. "I'm not going to live forever. I am getting on in my years, after all — I am seventy-four —"

"I know how old you are," John said. "I can do maths."

" — and one day, hopefully not very soon, but one day, I am going to pass away and go on to the next chapter of existence," Mimi said. "You do realize this, don't you, boys?"

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