in which the beatles are really busy

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Author's Note: Hey, all! Here, I'll just start tossing updates at you. But yeah, have another chapter since it goes along with the last one. Next one probably won't be up for another week, maybe a little more.  I keep thinking I shouldn't but up TOO many updates, but I go back to college really soon and then updates might start being a little fewer and farther in between. I'll try my best to keep them semi-regular though.

Quick question before we get on with the chapter! I've been working on a Dealor (John Deacon and Roger Taylor) fanfiction. I'd really like to know, would any of you be interested in reading it if I posted it on Wattpad? I probably wouldn't post it for a while, I want to stay focused on Break Me One More Time, plus I want to really work the Dealor story to make sure it is in tip top shape for you guys! Let me know what you think, and enjoy the chapter :) Love you all!



"I can't believe this," Ringo laughed. "We were just considering it." He sighed, shaking his head. He started messing with his hair in the mirror that stood in front of him.

"A lot can happen in a year," George said, shrugging.

"No kidding," Paul said, although he didn't quite know why. Perhaps just to fill small moments of silence. Sometimes people talk just because they can or because they feel like they're supposed to. But really, it had been such an uneventful year. Barney had taken to doing monthly check-ins both with him and with George; the Unknowables were doing well enough with their plan to take the F.H.O. down from the inside, but they had not made any major breakthroughs other than dismantling some very small cases that had been previously active cases; Yoko and Paul still got together frequently for their lunches; the fifteenth album, titled "Think About It", was selling well and now The Beatles were touring Europe and America. It was all rather tame considering what the past decade had dropped in Paul's lap.

There were new songs, and that was certainly something. John had started coming to Paul with songs that he did not recognize. This was to be expected, of course, and Paul was honestly surprised that this had not begun happening sooner than it did.

Think About It had been the first song that John brought to Paul that Paul had not already known every lyric to, and because of this Paul latched onto the song. It wasn't one of John's favorites but even when he suggested that they abandon it and throw it in the garbage because "that's where it belongs, Paul", Paul had persisted. And, lo and behold, it had wound up being a favorite for their management team.

"I think it's nice," Paul said. "Touring again."

"Do you now?" Ringo said, sounding bemused, still messing with his hair in the mirror.

"Do you not?" George asked. "Come on, Ringo, you did agree to do it."

Ringo hummed. "Yeah, John agreed to come on tour, as well, but that's just because Paul is sleeping with him."

"Not true," John said. "I agreed because Paul wanted to come and I am married to him."

"Hey!" Paul said.

"I'm joking," John said.

"Are you?" Ringo asked.

"Probably," John said.

"John," Paul sighed.

"Regardless," John said, "we are all here now. We made the decision for our careers and for our lives to get back on the road, just like Brian would've wanted us to do."

Ringo turned around and opened his mouth to speak, but Paul held up his hand to quiet him and snapped, "Ringo, it wasn't funny last time, it won't be funny this time. Shut up."

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