in which barney and tessa meet

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     The next few months were very stressful for the Beatles, particularly Paul and John. Their third album, A Hard Day's Night, wasn't going to have any covers on it so Paul and John had to write every song for the album.

     They managed it, though. The album was recorded and released in June. The tour in America went wonderfully, and it was loads of fun to be on the Ed Sullivan show (just like Paul remembered). There was just one thing that was concerning Paul...

     "The movie fell through," Brian sighed with a deep frown. "The idea was pitched to a few different directors but none of them went for it. That's okay, though, album sales are through the roof!"

     John, George, and Ringo were all disappointed but got over it quickly. Paul, on the other hand, was dying inside. How could this be? This was a huge part of his life, of his career! How could this change?

     "Thank god you're here!!" Paul said the next time Barney paid him a visit which was a few days after Brian delivered the unfortunate news to the Beatles. "You'll never believe what happened!"

     "What?" Barney looked curious.

     "A Hard Day's Night was turned down by all of the directors that it was pitched to," Paul frowned.

     "Wait, what?" Barney matched Paul's frown. "You're not going to make a movie?"

     "No," Paul sighed.

     "Huh," Barney said. "Well, then.."

     "You don't seem very concerned about this," Paul crossed his arms.

     "Well, I mean, when you're in my line of work and you've been in it for a while, these kinds of things don't even phase you." Barney shook his head, he was frowning though. "You think you're not phased by big things? You should see the disasters it takes to make me flinch. You should see the catastrophes it takes to get people like Mr. Vega and Judge Matthews and President Wilson to even bat an eyelash." He sighed heavily, sounding sad.

     "Oh, so this isn't a big deal?" Paul asked. "This isn't going to cause something terrible to happen?"

     "No, all it means is that a movie won't be made," Barney said.

     "So..why do you seem so distraught?" Paul asked slowly.

     "Because," Barney stuck out his bottom lip in a pout. "I love A Hard Day's Night. It's one of my favorite movies."

     "Oh," Paul laughed. "Sorry."

     Barney just sighed again.

     "Anyway," Paul said. "How are Lilly and Kylie?"

     "Good," Barney nodded. "Kylie is almost six months old now."

    "The difference in how time passes between where I am and where you are is so weird," Paul shook his head. "I can't keep up with how long it's been since you met me, I don't know how you do keep up with how long it's been since I met you."

     "Well, that's kind of my job," Barney chuckled.

     Paul smiled. "Yeah, true. How's work?"

     "Kind of awkward," Barney shrugged. "President Wilson and Mr. Vega have been really cold toward me ever since the hearing, but I knew that was going to happen so it's fine, I guess."

      "Well, I hope — "

      "Hello, Paul."

     The voice that cut off Paul was a familiar one and it sent worry rushing through his veins and made dread pool in his stomach. He and Barney looked up, both with eyes blown wide.

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