in which barney returns

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     The first week of living with John went smoothly and Paul couldn't be happier. He was back with his best friend, he was making music with the people he was closest to, he could see his dad again, and he was young again!

      He was still having some trouble comprehending that no, this really wasn't a dream and yes, he really had John and George and his dad back. He just kept telling himself that no, it wasn't real. It was just too good to true! But then he stopped and thought about it and just grinned to himself as he realized over and over again that yes, it was all real. He had his best friends back.

      He was keeping his eye out for anything that he hadn't noticed the first time that he lived his life like Barney had told him to, but he hadn't noticed anything yet. That is, until Paul and John got back to the flat late one night and Paul put the kettle on to make some tea and John was leaning against the counter.

      "So," Paul said. "How's Cynthia?"

      "How should I know?" John laughed.

      "Well, she's your girlfriend." Paul said.

     "Not since before we went to Hamburg," John said, sounding puzzled.

      Paul whipped around to look at him. "WHAT?!"

     John stared at him, brows furrowed. "Paul, you know that I broke up with Cyn before we left for Hamburg.... Seriously, what's up with you lately?"

      "Nothing is up," Paul shook his head. "Sorry, just tired...I guess." He turned back to the stove and remained calm on the outside, but on the inside he was freaking out. John didn't break up with Cyn when we went to Hamburg, Paul thought. Something is wrong. Something is seriously wrong. This is very bad.

     "Ugh," John said when he opened the cabinet to find a snack. "We've been living off of cereal and peanut butter sandwiches for the past week. I can't wait for tomorrow."

      "Life of a musician," Paul laughed. But still, his mind was racing. "And what's tomorrow?"

     "Oh, I didn't tell you?" John said and Paul shook his head as he poured the now boiled water into two teacups. "Sorry. Mimi wants you, me, and George to come round for dinner tomorrow."

      "Not Pete?" Paul said and handed John's teacup to him.

     John laughed. "She doesn't like Pete,"

     "She doesn't like George, either," Paul pointed out and sipped his tea.

     "Yeah, she says she's coming round to him," John shrugged. "Not sure I believe her, but she's making an effort to get to know the friends I'm closest to so I'll give her that. And anyway, it's Mimi. If she really hated him, there's no way in hell he'd be coming over for dinner. So will you come?"

      "Of course," Paul nodded.


      That night, it took a long time for Paul to fall asleep. John was snoring away but all Paul could think about was how John had broken up with Cynthia... They were supposed to be getting married the following year!

     Eventually he did fall asleep, though. And then, at around three in the morning by someone standing beside his mattress and hissing, "Paul. Paul. Paul."

      Paul woke up and looked up to see a figure standing over him. He jumped and yelled loudly, but then his eyes began to adjust. "Barney?" He whispered and raised his eyebrows at the blonde man standing over him. "What the hell are you doing here? John is going to wake up!"

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