Part 7

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Sebastian's POV:
After I walked out of her room I went down to the kitchen. 'Its gonna be good', I said in my head. At least I hope so anyways. I just don't wanna fuck this up.

I decided on making Mac n cheese, because it was lunch and who doesn't like Mac n cheese. I started making it when she was coming down. "Wow, something smells nice" "yeah, I'm making Mac n cheese. Do you like it?" I asked hoping she would. "I love it!" "Alright cool, we'll it's almost done so you don't have to wait long." She went on her phone and I finished up the food and played it up. "Here." I said handing her, her food. "Thanks, it looks great." "Try it first and see if it tastes as good as it looks. I'm not that good of a cook." She took a bite of it and her eyes widened, 'she doesn't like it' i said in my head. "Wow this is... really good." "Really? Thanks." I said with a smile and we ate for a bit.

"So, tell me about yourself, I want to get to know you." I said taking a bite of the food. "Ummmm, well there's not that much to tell." "There has to be something. Like.. what's your favourite colour?" I said with a smile. She giggled and replied "red or black or grey" I nodded before continuing. "When did you start skateboarding and what got you in it?" "I started when I was 8. Anddddd a friend form the adoption centre got me into it." "Nice. Do you like school, or what subjects do you like?" "I HATE school, with like a passion. But if I had to say, a subject that I tolerate must be like drama or design tech." She said nodding. "Wow you must really hate school." " yeahhh it's not my favourite thing to do every. Single. Day" she said rolling her eyes. "I mean I agree, I never really like school." I said.

I kept asking her questions, but not to personal, so she doesn't feel uncomfortable. I was about to take her plate before she said, "oh no it's fine I can do it." "No it's fine you can go sit down, it's only two plates." "Ok, if you insist." She said, putting her arms up in defence. I finished up and sat next to her, but leaving enough room so it's not uncomfortable.

"Oh I thought of another question." "Shoot" she said before putting her phone away. "Who's your favourite actor?" I said with a smirk. "Hmmm..... you know I really don't know." She said with a smirk, "but if I HAD to chose, I will say Tom Hiddleston." "Oh" I said frowning a bit. "I'm joking, it's um actually you." She said smiling. "Really?" I said smiling at her. "Yeah, you have been since I was like 10 or 11." "So why didn't you like freak out when you saw me?" I said raining an eyebrow. "Cuz I'm not a crazy fan girl." "That's true. How about your favourite movie?" "ummmmm you know that's really tough" she said in a sarcastic tone. "Are you talking marvel or just any movie?" I looked shocked to know that she watches marvel. "You watch marvel?" "Yeah its like my fav franchise and it has one of my fav movies." I smirked before asking her, " who is your favourite marvel character and what's you favourite marvel movie." She smirked before saying, "my favourite character has to be Loki." "Oh." "Andddd bucky" "really?" "Yeah, but I've like Loki a bit more cuz I saw Thor first." "Ok I get that. What's your fav marvel movie?" "Winter soldier. No doubt." "Good choice." I said before we laughed. "Oh I have a friend coming round. Is that fine? I forgot to tell you. If you don't want them to come over I can cancel." I said, I don't want to freak her out. "No it's fine I don't mind. Who is it though?" I smiled before saying, "you'll see."

A/n: short one soz. I'm like superrrr tired. My yr might go into online learning. Oop 😂🙄 I don't rlly know when it's set. Cuz I was thinking of saying also Peter Parker. But then the thing is it's sort of set when they r filing civil war. So I can't rlly say that. So I'm thinking around civil war. Oh and Tom h is gonna be in this sooo let's just pretend that he's in civil war. Also Chris h. Anywaysssss byeeeee love ya ❤️❤️

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