Part 22

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Y/n's pov:

i walked into school and to my locker and see Sarah and Alex waiting for me there. "there she is! god you always take so long to get here." Alex said. "fuck u! you guys are always so early." "she's right Alex. i'm surprised you don't come here before they even open the school." I fist bump Sarah and wave Alex away from my locker so i can open it. "you know, there is a magic word that comes with that." I look at him dead in the eyes and say, "Alex, move the fuck away before i push you....please." and give him a sarcastic smile. Sarah starts laughing and Alex gives her a glare. "what? she said please." 

He rolls his eyes and moves and i open my locker to get my books. I close it and Alex asks, "so how are things with your new dad?" "there fine, he takes me to set on weekends." "have you called him dad yet?" I pause and say, "no." They both give me a surprised look and we start walking to class. "you haven't?" Sarah asks likes it's the worst thing in the world. "no, i haven't. I mean he's nice and all but i think the 'dad' title is earned. If you were in my shoes you would understand." They both stay silent knowing that i'm right. 'i mean it's not like he hasn't earned it yet, i just don't fully trust him yet.'   "why do you guys think i should?" They were silent for a bit and they didn't say anything until we walk into class and sit down. "i mean you can say it when ever you feel comfortable doing so, but..." Sarah stops talking and i say, "butttt..." "but you might want to say it soon. I mean he might think you don't trust him at all." Alex finishes. 

Sarah nods with him silently agreeing. "no i do trust him. I just want the same thing that happened last time to happen again. y'know?" They are about to say something when our chemistry teacher comes in and says, "hello class, get your textbooks our and turn to page 115." I sigh and get it out. Sarah leans over and whispers to me, "i get it, but he seems different." she says with a shrug and leans back to her table. 

*time skip to the end of the school day brought to u by bucky's metal fist*

I put my books in my locker and get my skateboard out. Sarah  walks up to me and says, "hey." "hey, where's Alex?" "he had to go home. Some relative is coming over." I nod and walk out with her next to me. "you free? we can go skateboarding and get some Mc Donald's" "nah i have to get home, Sebastian's mum is coming over and he doesn't want me to be late." "oooo you meeting his mum." "yeah." "you nervous? I mean she is sorta your grandma." I stop, turn to her and say, "i mean i'm a bit but not too much." "hmm ok well tell us how it goes tomorrow." "i will bye." "bye." She says and we walk in different directions and i start skating back home.

Seb's pov:

I got to have a day off working today so I stayed with my mum the whole day getting her settled in. Once i realised the time that Y/n would be home soon i decide to have a conversation with my mum. I walk into her room that she is using and see her folding some of her clothes in the draws. I take a breath and say, "mum?" "yes fiul?"(son) "Can i talk with you for a sec?" She stops folding and comes to stand next to me. "what's wrong?" " i need to talk about Y/n." "what about her?" I signal to the bed for us to sit, she understands and sits down and i sit down next to her. "i don't want you pushing her." "what do you mean draga?" (dear) "don't ask too many questions and don't push her to answer something that she feels uncomfortable answering." "oh seb, i won't do that." "i know but i am starting to gain her trust and i don't wanna break that." "you won't. I promise not to ask her uncomfortable questions." I breath out and say, "thanks ma." "no problem draga."

 She stands up and asks, "how old is she anyways?" "16." "hm. has she called you dad yet?" I pause and say, "no not yet." She turns around looking shocked and says, "she hasn't?" "no, i'm not pushing her to call me that." She nods and asks, "what does she call you then?" "my name." i shrug." She is about to say something  when we hear the front door closing and y/n shouting, "i'm home!" "We're coming!" I look back to my mum and she puts her hands up and says, "be normal i know." I roll my eyes and we both go down. 

We walk in the kitchen to see Y/n drinking some water. "hey y/n" "hey." she says and takes a drink of water. My mum coughs behind me and i say ,"oh right, Y/n this is my mum Georgeta, mum this is Y/n." My mum walks up to her and Y/n puts her hand out, "nice to meet you" "oh no i'm not shaking your hand, come here." She moves her hand and gives her a hug. Y/n is surprised at first but then hugs her back." They pull away and mum says, "it's so nice to meet you, Sebastian has talked a lot about you. So tell me about yourself." She says leading her to the living room sofa. I follow and sit on the chair next to them. 

Y/n's pov: 

Georgeta is very friendly. I thought she would be more intimidating seeing as i never met my actual grandparents. "um well, i was born in england." "oh yes i can tell by the accent. I love it by the way." Her Romanian accent comes out when she talks and i love it. "thanks i love your accent too." "your very sweet, frumos." I tilt my head in confusion as to what she said. "oh sorry, that means 'beautiful'." I smile and say, "thanks. um so i moved here when i was 4 and moved around a lot before i came to LA when i was 8." "that's nice. So how long were you a foster child?" "ma, come on don't ask that." I was surprised by the question as it came out of nowhere. Normally i wouldn't answer it but i felt comfortable around her. "oh sorry, i shouldn't have asked that." "no it's fine i can answer it." Seb gives me a soft look calming me down. I look down at my hands before saying, "um, since i was 8." I get myself ready for, 'oh i'm so sorry.' or 'why were in foster care to begin with?" But it never comes. I look up to see her looking at me sympathetically before saying. "sorry." I give her a tight lipped smile and look away. 

It's silent for a bit before Sebastian says, "who wants pizza?" I look up and he says i awkward smile on his face, "i don't mind pizza." "same" Georgeta smiles at Sebastian before he nods and walks away to order it. "let's talk about something else. How was school?" I smile at her before answering "it was fine, how was your flight?" "ugh don't even get me started." we both laugh and talk for a bit more before Sebastian walks in. "what are you two talking about." "oh i'm just telling her about you when you were young." He covers his face and groans "maaaa" "oh shush i want to embarrass you." "please talk about something else." "ok ok. What's you favourite sort of movie?" "horror or comedy." "really?" i nod "I didn't know you liked horror." "you never asked." i shrug. "well what is your favourite comdey and horror movie." he asks, "Favourite horror movie has got to be scream, and comedy is probably grown ups." We talk for a bit more before the pizza comes. I get it hand the money over to the pizza guy and come back and we eat and talk. 

A/n: sup. i finally gave u guys a proper chapter. i changed her age to 16 so she is in yr 10. idk what yr that's in America. might upload another chapter soon. so stay safe. byee <3 

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