Part 24

706 15 8

tw: a bit of swearing and minor talks  of abandonment and smoking (idk if that's a trigger but i don't wanna risk it)

Sebastian's  pov:

"bye dad." Did i hear that right? did she...did she just call me dad? No i must be hearing things. But by the looks on her friends faces i don't think i was. "what? Why is everyone staring at me?" She asked. I tried to say something but all that came out was, "What did u say?" I said in utter shock. She looked at me confusion written all over her face and then looked at her friends then said, "i said, wh-" "he meant before that." Sarah interrupted. "i said by- ohhhhh." She said realising what she just said. 

I smiled so big i could of sworn it reached my eyes. "sorry, it just slipped out." why is she apologising? 'Maybe it's because i haven't said anything' "no it's fine, nothing to be sorry about. You shouldn't be apologising." I said back hoping she would relax. After i said that i saw her visibly relax. "o-ok bye." "bye." I said and finally closing the door. i stood there for a minute or two to think about what just happened. 'she finally called me dad. does this mean she is trusting me more and is more comfortable around me? i hope it is.'  I walked down the stairs and out the house to the car. 

(with Chris)

"she called you dad?!" Chris shouted. I think NASA heard us from how loud he was. I was pacing in his living room, as i had come to his house to go over some lines from the script. "yes she did but it looked like she regretted it." i said back. "did she say that she didn't mean to?" I paused for a bit before saying, " i mean sort of, she said that she was sorry and that it kind of just slipped out. So i don't know if that's a good thing or bad." He was silent for a bit before setting the script down on the coffee table and said," ok first of all, sit down you're making me nervous from the pacing," I sat down and he continued. "and second of all, i don't think she regretted it because if it slipped out, she was wanting to say it but maybe she didn't was scared that you didn't want her calling her that." 

i looked at him with confusion before saying, "why would she be scared?" He sighs and says, "well didn't you tell me she had a foster parent before you? Like maybe something happened when she said mum or dad too early and they told her she can't say that or something." I was quiet for a bit, contemplating what he just said. 'maybe he's right. i mean Y/n never talks about her past foster parents or her biological parents in general. It has always seems like a sore subject to bring up.'  "yeah you could be right. i could be overthinking this." He smiled at me and patted my shoulder, "i know, i'm always right." I rolled my eyes and he said, "hey! i'm just saying. You never know y/n might've thought nothing of it."

(back to y/n when seb left)

"FUCK FUCK WHY DID I SAY THAT!?" i said pacing in my room, the show on pause and long forgotten. "bitch, you have got to stop pacing. you're gonna get dizzy and quite frankly you're making me a bit dizzy." Sarah said, holding her head like she has a fucking migraine or something. I looked at her with a 'how can you be dizzy?' look and stopped. "ok just everyone calm down." Alex said. "calm down, how am i supposed to calm down when i just called him dad.maybehedoesntwantmetocallhimdadandnowhehatesmeforcallinghimdadlikemylastfosterparentsdid." i said all in one breath. i look at my friends and they look so confused it's like i spoke another language. "ok i didn't understand a word you just said. So can you repeat that but slower." Alex said while guiding me to sit down on a chair. 

I took a deep breath and said, "maybe he doesn't want me to call him dad and now he hates me for calling him dad like my last foster parents did. i have now fucked everything up again." i say standing back up, and going to my drawers and rummaging through them. "what are you looking for?" I hear Alex ask behind me. "my cigarettes, he told me to quit when he caught me smoking but i kept one just in case." I say, closing the draw when i found them. i turn back around and open the package and take the lighter and one cigarette out. I light one up and throw the package on my bed. I see my Alex and Sarah give me knowing looks but i look away knowing that i shouldn't be doing this, but it's my only way of coping. 

"y/n... come on you were doing so well." Sarah said. "yeah well,all good things must come to an end." i say exhaling the drag i took. (a/n: i don't smoke so i don't know the correct terms. just roll w it.) Sarah sighs and stands up and opens a window. "look i know we can't lecture you about smoking cuz we do it too but you know that Sebastian doesn't hate you for saying dad. He is probably over the moon right now because he has been waiting for you to say it." "Yeah, i'm surprised he didn't start jumping up and down because of it." Alex continues. I look at them and mumble, "yeah maybe, i guess." and take another drag. "i'm sorry did THE y/n y/ln just agree with us." Alex said. Sarah gasps, puts her hand to her chest and says, "i'm flabbergasted!" She says and we all start laughing. I throw the pillow at her and say, "fuck you both, just press un- pause for the tv." I say pointing to the remote for them to continue the show. They laugh and continue the show.

'he could be really mad at me and send me back to foster care like my last ones did. god why did i fucking say that. i mean yes i have been wanting to but maybe he didn't want me to say that so he wouldn't seem like a dick for bringing me back to foster care because i have been a burden on him. i'll just have to wait and see when he gets back.'  i think of all the things that could go wrong in my head. i carried on smoking knowing that dad will be disappointed in me fro giving in and relapsing. 'another reason for him to give you back. you're fucking addicted to smoking at the age of 16. what kind of person wants a fucked up 16 year old who smokes.' 

<<<<<<<<<<time laps brought to you by *drum roll* will's bowl cut (stranger things joke)>>>>>>>

 Alex and Sarah stayed until 4 when they had to leave. That was an hour ago and Sebastian hasn't come home yet. in that hour i had another cigarette and had gotten a text saying that Gerogetta had texted him saying she was staying at a friends house over night because her friend hurt herself or something and she was taking care of her. And that he would be home soon. I don't know what to say when he gets home. Should i act normal? talk to him about what i said, as we didn't talk about it before? do i tell him about the smoking? In the midst on contemplating what i was gonna say, i didn't hear the front door open until i heard him say, "i'm home!" and the door slamming shut. "y/n!?" "i'm in my room!" I call back . I hear the heavy footsteps coming up the stairs and walking towards my room.He knocks "come in." I reply and i see him come in. 'he doesn't look mad. that's good.'  "hey." "hey." It was quiet for a bit before he filled the silence with, "we need to talk."

A/n: heyyyy. sorry i had this in my drafts and forgot to post it yesterday. yes i left it on another cliff hanger and don't worry i will post tomorrow. thanks for sharing ur thoughts abt the post yesterday, it helped. i have decided to make her sexuality lesbian and will start to add them in later chapters. tell me how i should introduce her thinking about it and stuff because i don't have a clue on how to do it. leave any ideas you want in the comments. byeee <3

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