Part 23

725 17 5

TW: Swearing

Sebastian's pov:

I woke up to the smell of my mother's pancakes. 'god i missed that smell'  i think to myself. So i got up and went to have a shower. I finished and got changed and was about to walk down the stairs when i heard a phone ringing. I checked mine but it wasn't ringing and i know it's not my mums because hers is always on silent because she thinks the ringing is too loud. I then realised it came from Y/n's room. So i knocked and didn't hear anything so i walked in and saw that it was her phone that was ringing and that she was sleeping through it. How? i don't know. So i go up to the phone to see that the name on the phone is that bitch. i sigh and start shaking Y/n to wake her up.  "Y/n wake up. Y/n" She grumbles so i know that i am getting somewhere. "Y/n wake up your phone is ringing." "go awayyyyy. it's not a school day." She mumbles into her pillow. "yes i know but your phone is ringing." "who is it?" "umm well i don't know who but it is labelled that bitch on your phone." I hear her laugh and say, "wowwww language much?" I breath out a laugh and say, "yeah, well don't tell my mum." After i say that the ringing stops. "Finallly, Sarah won't stop calling me." "you knew your phone was ringing?" "yeah but i didn't see who it was. Thanks though." As she said that the phone started ringing again. She groans and takes the phone off charge. "Why the fuck are you calling so early?" I give her a look and she puts her hands up in surrender and i smile and walk out and close the door, not before hearing "shut up..."

Y/n's pov:

"wow not even a hello. You're slowly turning into a grumpy old dude." "shut up, you're the one who is called me at this ungodly hour, so i get to be annoyed. So what do you want?" I hear her laugh and then hear Alex say, "you're even more grumpy then you are normally." I sigh and try to rub the tiredness out of my eyes. "What the fuck is Alex doing with you?" "What, i can't hang out with Alex and call you?" "not at this time." i say annoyed. "ok fine, we are coming over to your house." This made me sit up, "what?!" "yeah, we have that project and we are bored so we thought, 'hey, we haven't checked out Y/n's new place' so i got Alex and we are on our way over now." I groan in frustration and say, "You don't even know where i live." "snap maps. we will be there in 15." "fuck you both." i say and end the call. 

15 minutes, i have to get ready in 15 minutes. I get up and have a very quick shower and put some clothes on. (you can pick what you want) I hurry out and go downstairs and get hit with the smell of pancakes. "well good morning sleeping beauty." I hear Georgeta say. "morning." i grumble out. I walk over to the coffee machine, get a cup and pour coffee in. i sit down and she puts a plate of pancakes in front of me and they have strawberries and whipped cream on them. "thank you." She smiles back at me. I cut a piece and take a bite."Damn this is good." "thank you, it's my own recipe." I look and see Sebastian half way done with his. "so what did Sarah want?" I swallow my food and say,"her and Alex are coming over." He looks at me surprised and i continue, "i didn't invite them nor did i give them the address. Apparently we have a project to do and they got the address from snap maps." "what's snap maps?" "well there is an app called snap chat and you can see where your friends are on a location map." he nods and says, "well they can come but don't make too much of a mess." "we won't, i promise." "wait, who are Alex and Sarah?" Georgeta asks, giving D- Sebastian a confused look "they are Y/n's friends." "ohhhh ok. Well have fun. I'm going out." She says coming round the island. When i just noticed that she is dressed to go out. "wait, where are you going?" Sebastian asks. "i'm going out hun with old friends." She goes and kisses Sebastian on the cheek and me on my hair. She waves to us and leaves. It was silent for a bit before i said, "Then there were two."

<<<<<<<<<15 min time skip brought to you by cap's shield>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

We are both on our phone when i hear the door bell. I sigh and get up to open the door. "heyyy." they both say in unison. "hi." i say back and let them in. They both come in and i close the door behind them. "well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Alex says. I give him a death stare and say, "Well i was woken up by this annoying ringing, so what did you expect." I say looking at Sarah who is oogling at Da-Sebastin. 'why the hell do i keep saying his name wrong??' Sebastian stands up and walks towards us. "hey, you must be Alex and Sarah, i'm Sebastian." They both look at him for a bit before Sarah says, "hi it's nice to meet you. I'm a huge fan." I roll my eyes and go to get water while they introduce themselves. I walk back and say, "well we will be in our room if you need us." "ok, i'm going to meet up with Chris in a bit so i will tell you before i leave." "ok." I say and guide them up the stairs and into my room. 

They look around before Sarah squeals and says, "omgomgomg i just met Sebastian Stan." I roll my eyes and go to sit down. "it's not like we met the queen." Me and Alex both laugh and Sarah gives us a glare. "fuck off Alex i know you were freaking out inside, i saw your hands shaking when you went to shake his hand." And with that i burst out laughing and so does Sarah while Alex  tries to deny what she said. After we calmed down i asked, "so where is the project?" Sarah then replies with, "oh there wasn't any project, we were just bored." I grab a pillow and start hitting them both. "YOU.WOKE.ME.UP.AT.10.IN.THE.FUCKING.MORNING.FOR.THIS!?!?!?" I scream at them before i sit back down and after they caught their breath Alex says, "we're sorry?" I throw my pillow at him and we all laugh. 

<<<<<<<<<time skip brought to you buy spider-man's webs>>>>>>>>>>>

After an hour me, Sarah and Alex are watching a movie on the tv in my room before there is a knock at my door, "come in." I say and i see Sebastian come in. "hey kid, i'm going out, you need anything?" "no thanks i'm good." I say looking at him. "Ok well i'm off then. Bye kid." "Bye dad."

A/N: i'm not dead i promise. these updates take longer than stranger things to put a new season up. sorry. i was busy with exams than exams finished and i just needed to rest but now i have the summer holidays so i can update more. btw who has watched stranger things season 4? because volume two made me fucking cry. no spoilers tho. so if you r gonna comment about it don't put any spoilers. ok byeee <3

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