Part 30

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The next morning

(On a call)

"He said what?!?" Michael shouts through the phone as I tell him what happened yesterday. "I'm gonna kill him." I laugh and say, "you're a skinny 21 year old, I don't think you will be able to." It's silent until he says, "fine I will just give him a good smack. He deserves it after what he said." "It's not a big deal, it's my fault for not telling him." "It's not your fault, he should not have shouted at you. Has he even apologised?" "Yeah he tried but I didn't really wanna talk to him." "As you should." I rolled my eyes and sat up on my bed. Michael has always been protective of me. Ever since I first came to the foster care, he was always looking out for me and I guess after the years, we formed a brother-sister bond.

After what happened yesterday, I didn't sleep much and now I'm too scared to go down because I don't want to talk about what happened but the problem is that I'm really hungry. "I think I'm gonna go down." "okay, do you wanna stay on the call so you would look busy?" I laugh and say "no its fine, I'll be ok." "Alright but call me if anything happens." "Ok bye." "Bye" end call

I stand up and go out my bedroom and head downstairs. It's a Saturday so I'm pretty sure he would be at work, I hope anyways. I get downstairs and head to the kitchen. I don't see him so I go to the cupboard to make cereal. When I turn around to get the milk I see a note on the table. I pick it up and it's says:

Y/n, I had to go to set to shoot some scene so I will be back around 2. Call if you need anything.

- Seb
P.S. I'm sorry :)

I sigh and put the note down and make my breakfast. Why did he put seb and not dad? Is he that mad at me? Does he not want me to call him dad anymore? All these thoughts going around my head make me not notice my phone ringing. I finally notice and pick up the phone.

On call

"Hello?" "Hey y/n" shit its seb "oh hey" "I just wanted to call to see if you were ok. I didn't know if you read my note or not." "Yeah I read it." An awkward silence fills the call as we both don't know what to say. After a few seconds he says, "ok well I will be done soon and after I finish I'll go to the store. Do you need anything?" "No I'm fine." "Ok well I will see you later then, bye" I mutter a small 'bye' and end the call and get back to making my cereal.

Seb's Pov:

I sigh and put my phone back in my pocket. "Who was that?" I turn around and see Chris and Anthony behind me. "Y/n" "how is she?" Anthony asks. "She's good." I say looking down. I don't even known if that's true. "What's wrong?" Chris asks. "What do you mean?" "Something is up." I sigh and say, "we got into an argument yesterday." "What about?" Anthony asks. "I got called into school yesterday-" "is that why you left early?" "Yeah. So I went in and they told me that y/n had failed two of her last maths tests and that if she doesn't pass the next one she might have to stay behind a year." Chris and Anthony both look shocked and Chris asks, "Seriously?" "Yeah and I was so annoyed that she didn't tell me so when we got home I shouted at her." "Why would you shout at her?" Anthony asks. "I don't know, it just happened." "What did you say?" "I told her that i was disappointed in her." I say looking down, not wanting to see their reaction. "You said what?!" "Why would you say that?" They both say. I shrug and say, "I don't know ok? I was annoyed that she didn't tell me and I was tired from work. I thought she was starting to trust me, but her not telling me this shows that she still doesn't."

It's quiet for a bit before Anthony says, "just because she didn't tell you that, doesn't mean she doesn't trust you." Chris continued with, "yeah, it probably just means she didn't want you to be disappointed in her." "Yeah I guess." "And now you told her the one thing she didn't want to hear from you." I groan and sit back in my chair as I run my hands over my face. "Your right." "I always am." I look at him before laughing. "Have you tried to make up with her?" "I tried talking to her last night but she locked herself in her room the whole night. The only time I saw her is when she took the food I made for her but she looked so upset." "Well just try again today." "Yeah and you have the rest of the weekend to make up with her." "Yeah I guess." Before anyone could say anything else, we get called to shoot another scene.

A/n: sorry it took so long. I didn't know what to write and I have revision for end of years. Hope this is good. If u have any ideas, put it in the comments.

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