Part 13

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Sebastian's pov: 

I left Y/n in my trailer while i go sign in. As i was going back i bumped into the Joe Russo. "Hey Seb." "Hey Joe, how are you?" "I'm good, how are you?" "I'm alright, i wanted to ask you something real quick." "Yeah go ahead. " "umm so i adopted this girl, her name is Y/n, i adopted her yesterday and she is here. Is it ok if she is here during filming?" "Yeah sure, i would like to meet her." I smiled before answering, "Yeah i will introduce you guys before filming starts." "ok thanks bye." "bye." We both walked off and i went back to my trailer.

When i went back i saw that my trailer door was open, and i told Y/n that she should stay in the trailer. As i was stepping in i asked, "Why is my trailer door open?" I went in and saw that Anthony, Scarlet and Chris wee in there with Y/n. "Oh hey guys i see you met Y/n." I walked in and stood next to Y/n. "Yeah but who is she?" Anthony asked. I saw that Y/n was getting annoyed and i could see why. "Oh right yeah, she's my daughter." I said calmly. "WHAT!?!" They both shouted. "You didn't let me finish, hi i'm Y/n Sebastian adopted me yesterday." "Ohhhhhhh this is the kid you were talking aboutttt." Anthony said. "Wait he knew and i didn't." Scarlet said, she pretended to be hurt. "welll." i said. "God we look like idiots, hi i'm Scarlet." She stretched out her hand for Y/n to shake and she replied with a hi and shook her hand, Anthony did the same. I then asked if she wanted to meet the rest of the cast and she agreed. I walked her to the break room and RDJ asked who was next to me. I introduced her to everyone. They all said hi and she said hi back. 

"SEBASTIAN, CHRIS, ANTHONY, RDJ AND CHADWICK GO TO SET 3!" I heard over the loud speaker. "Seb you coming?"Chris asked "Yeah you go ahead i will meet you there." He nodded and walked off. "Ok well i'm going to set, if you need anything text me or ask someone who isn't filming. And don't wonder off by yourself." I said looking at her. "Yeah i know. I have been by myself before i'm not 5 i will be alright." She said smiling. "Ok, well i will see you later." "yeah bye." "Bye." I didn't want to leave her, but she is right, she can handle herself. 

Y/n's pov:

When Seb left i sat down on one of the chairs at the break room, and opened a bag of crisps. "hey." Elizabeth and Scarlet said. "Hi." I said with a small smile. "You know i helped decorate your room." I looked shocked because i knew he had someone to help him but i didn't know it was fucking Elizabeth Olsen!?! "Seriously?? You did a really good job, i really like it." "Why thank you." We all laughed. "So your from England." Scarlet asked, I smirked before answering, "No i'm from, Mexico." I said trying not to laugh at their confused faces. "Wait really i could of sworn that sounds like a British accent." Scarlet said sounding very confused. I couldn't hold it in anymore and started laughing. They were confused before they realised that i was joking, "omg you were joking, so your actually from Britain." Elizabeth said. After i calmed down i said, "Yeah i moved here when i was four." "That's so cool. Did you move here because of the adoption?" I paused a bit, not knowing what to say, "ummmm no me and my parents moved here when i was four, i am guessing for their job but i went into adoption when i was 8." They nodded. Scarlet was about to ask a question before the speaker said, "SCARLET, ELIZABETH, PAUL AND JEREMY GO TO SET 4!" "Ughh we have to go, talk to you soon?" "Yeah definitely bye." They both waved and went. 

I was kinda glad that they had to go, not because i don't like them, but because i think Scarlet was about to ask why i was in the adoption centre, and i don't want to answer that yet. "hey, Y/n right?" I looked up to be faced with TOM FUCKING HIDDLESTON!!!! FUCK FUCK FUCK SAY SOMETHING!!! "I-um yeah that's me." I said with a smile and ate one of my crisps. "Hi i'm Tom, it's nice to meet you." "nice to meet you to." I was fucking freaking out cuz one of my favourite celebs and might i say celeb crush was talking to me. LIKE OMFGGGG!! "Finally another British person, i was beginning to think that i wouldn't see any more." We both laughed, "Yeah, same. But it's funny when someone asks if i'm British and i say no and they look so confused." "Yeah, some people still think i'm American." I was shocked because you can tell he's not. "Wait seriously, damn that sounds so fucking annoying." We both laughed. "hey." I looked up and saw TOM HOLLAND OMGGG MY DAY CAN'T GET BETTERRR!!!! "hi, Y/n" I stretched my hand out and he shook it, "Tom." "Finally another British." "yeah, i'm starting to get annoyed by all the Americans." We laughed and Tom asked, "So how old are you?" "It depends how old do you think i am?" "14." Hiddleston said, "no." "16?" Holland guessed. "No but your both very close. "15!" They both guessed at the same time. "Yeah." We talked for a bit before Joe Russo came, "hey it's Y/n right?" "yeah hi." "hi" We shook hands, "Where did you get those chips from?" "You mean crisps." "chips." "Crisps, and they were in my bag." he laughed before saying, "well it was nice meeting you." "Yeah nice meeting you too." He walked away, "Americans. istg" I muttered. Both the Toms laughed. "Yeah we have to deal with that most the times." Holland said. "Damn that must be annoying." "Yeah it is." Hiddleston said. We laughed before they had to go. I decided to go back to the trailer, so i can watch on the tv, while i wait for Sebastian to finish filming. 

A/n: suppppp my peeps. Soz it took long to update i didn't know what  to write about. also i wasn't bothered to write which Tom it was so i wrote their surnames. So yh hope ur all well. byeee love ya <3

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