Part 8

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Y/n's POV:
We were sitting on the sofa, we were both on our phones and the only sound was coming from our phones. It wasn't awkward silence, it was like peaceful silence, I liked this silence. Well it was until Sebastian asked something, "can I ask you one more question?" I looked up from my phone and sighed, "sure." "Who's your celebrity crush?" I blushed a bit and looked down, 'fuck I hope he didn't see me blush', I thought.

I looked back up and said, "ummm I don't have one." He didn't look like he believed me. "You do! You have one! Who is it." He questioned. "No one, I don't have any crushes of any sort." I said. Even though I wasn't that open, I would never tell him this even if I was open. Because I didn't have only one. I had more than one. But it wasn't him though. But I could never say who. "Ok but I will find out." He said giving me a jokingly look." "You can try, but you won't find anything." I said laughing it off.

"So, were you close to the people in the adoption centre?" I was a bit taken back by the sudden question, but still answered, "um, no not that much, but." I said smiling, "when I first went there, there was this boy who was the oldest back then, and we were really close." "Is he still there?" "No he is now 20, he didn't get adopted but he left to go to university. We still text and call almost everyday." "That's nice, that you have kept in touch." "Yeah." "What was his name? If you don't mind me asking." I paused for a bit, thinking if I can trust him. I thought I can, so I said, "Michael. He's 5 yrs older than me." "Cool."

My phone rang, I looked at the call and saw it was Michael. I smiled and looked up, "can I take this?" "Yeah sure go ahead." He said smiling. "Thanks." I smiled and answered.

*the call*
"Heyy!" I said
"Hey, how are you?" He asked
"I'm good, how r u?"
"Good, college is hard, but I'm getting through."
"You mean university?" I said jokingly, cuz he knows I'm British.
"Yeah yeah whatever."
I smiled.
"So what's knew with you?"he asked.
I silently asked if I can take this to the kitchen. And Sebastian nodded.
"Umm so you won't believe this!"
"What what what!"
"Ok so don't freak out, but u know how I'm a fan of marvel?"
"Yeah like a HUGE fan, more like."
"Yeah, and you know how I am a fan of Sebastian Stan?"
"Well ummmmm, I got adopted......"
"WHAT!?!?!! BY WHO?!??"
"You won't believe this but I'm, Sebastian Stan!"
"Yeah, I know it's crazy"
"How, when???"
I told him what happened and how we met. He was so surprised but happy for me.
"I'm happy for you!"
I heard some rustling and some talking on his side of the call.
"I have to go but do one thing for me?" He asked
"Try and trust him? He won't be like the last ones."
I chuckled lightly before looking at Sebastian.
"Yeah I know, he's not. But I'll try."
"Ok good, byeeee bitch and I miss ya."
I laughed before replying, "bye dick and I miss ya too."
After that we hung up and I went back to the sofa.
"Who was that?"
We watched on the tv for a bit before the door rang. He paused the movie and I went on my phone (tik tok) and the first thing on my 4 u page was an edit of one of my celeb crushes: Chris Evans.

The edit:

*just pretend it's only like a minute*
I was so engrossed in the edit, cuz like you know Chris Evans, that I didn't notice Seb's friend who was coming over, was standing right behind me.

A/n: hiiiii soz it's so late but I was so tireddd today and completely forgot. But here. Ik I normally post two but I'll post some tm, so don't worry. How are you all? I hope ur all well. Thank you for all the reads, it means so much to me. Who do u think is the friend? Put it in the comments if you want tho. Anywaysssss byeeeee love ya all ❤️❤️

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