Part 14

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Sebastian's pov: 

*two hours later*

After we stopped filming for a lunch break i started to look for Y/n, so we can have lunch with me and the cast. I went to the break room where i left her before i went to filming. When i walked in, i only saw Paul R. "hey Seb." "Hey Paul, have you seen Y/n?" He paused for a bit before he answered, "No sorry, i was filming." "Ok it's fine thanks." I said before walking away. I was looking around and starting to get nervous because i couldn't find her anywhere. Then i saw Tom H so i thought i would ask him. "Hey Tom." "Hey Seb." "Do you know where Y/n is? I can't find her anywhere." I said getting a bit nervous. "Yeah i saw her go into your trailer a bit ago." 'my trailer, why didn't i think of that?' I thought to myself. I physically calmed down knowing she was alright. I breathed out and said, "ok thanks man." "No problem." I said and went off to my trailer. 

I opened my trailer i think a little too hard because i saw that she jumped a bit. "fucking hell you scared me! Like i think my heart jumped out of me for a second there." I chuckled and said, "Sorry i got a bit scared because i didn't know where you were." "Oh sorry i got a bit bored and yeah." "It's alright, you wanna go to lunch with me and the cast?" "Yeah sure." "Ok let's go." I said and we walked out. We got lunch and sat down with the cast. "Hey Y/n" "Hey Scarlet." The rest said hi. "So i see you found her." Paul said. "Yeah Tom said she was in my trailer." I said back. Y/n laughed and i looked at her and asked, "What's so funny?" "How many people did you ask?" She said grinning at me. "Only like 2 people." She chuckled lightly and went back to eating. 

"So Y/n tell us about you." Jeremy asked. "ummm well... i'm 15, i skate, i can play basketball-" "Wait you play basketball??" I asked "Yeah since i was like 12." "Do you still play?" Chris asked. "Yeah sometimes at school with my friends but not as much." "Are you good at playing?"Hemsworth said smirking. "Yes as matter of fact i am. I was captain of the team when i was at school." She said smirking back. "Was?" I asked. "Yeah i was off the team cuz of some well issues." "What issues." Scarlet asked. "Letsss just say i got too many detentions." We all laughed. "Do you play any instrument?" Robert asked. "Uh yeah i know how to play the guitar but i don't have one." "Then how do you know how to play?" Paul B asked. "My friend taught me, he can play so he taught me." "He??" Lizzie asked. They all oohed. "No! no god no he is like 20 ew no." We all laughed. They talked for a bit more before we had to go back to filming. 

"When i come back we can head home yeah?" "Yeah sure." "Ok bye." "bye." She said back and i walked off to film some more scenes. 

Y/n's pov:

I went back to the trailer wanting to watch some more on the tv. But i was interupted by a phone call. 

*phone call*

"Hey" Sarah said 

"Hey, how are you?" 

"good u?" 


"So i was wondering if you want to come to the skate park with me and Alex?"

"Yeah sure, when?"

"In about an hour or two."

I paused because i don't know how long this was gonna take. "umm i might be a bit late but i will defo come."

"ok but why will you be late?"

"i'll explain when i see you."

"Ok bye see you later."


*end call*

I put my phone down and tried to think of a way to tell Sebastian that i'm going to the skate park. Well i have to ask and hope he will say yes cuz i already said yes because i'm not used to asking for permission. This is starting to make me anxious and i really need a cigarette but to my luck i don't have one, because i'm trying to quit. ughhhh why did i agree to stop smoking. This is mainly the reason why i don't make promises i know will be hard to keep. I guess i will have to wait and see.

*2 and a half hours later*

I already txted Sarah saying i was gonna be late cuz yeah i can also cuz i am half an hour late. I was reading wattpad as you do cuz why not, when Seb comes in the door. "hey Y/n sorry it took long." "nah it's fine." I smiled at him. "You ready to go?" "yeah." I said grabbing my stuff and he grabbed his and we went to the car. It was quiet for a bit before he asked, "So what did you do while i was gone?" "not much, i watched on the tv and on my phone and yeah." cool." "how was shooting?" "it was good, done some stunts." "Cool." It went quiet for a bit, and i was thinking how to ask him but we were about to get home so i had to ask him now. "ok so when you were filming a friend of mine from school asked me to go skating with them at the skate park with another one of my friends. And well i already said yes but i just wanted to make sure you are ok with me going cuz i am not used to asking for permission to go out and stuff so yh can i go?" and breathhhh i didn't break the whole time i said and i think i was about to pass out if i said another word like damn. "Yeah sure, is it far?" "um no it's close to the adoption centre, soo like a 20 min walk but i can take an uber." I said while we pulled up into the drive way. "I can drive you there it's fine." "no i don't want you to waste your time i can go there by myself." We got out and went inside, and he said, "are you sure? because i don't mind driving you." "yeah it's fine." I said and went to my room and got my skateboard and a few other things. "ok well you have my number so if you need anything call me." "yeah i will." I was about to go out before he said, "don't stay out too long!" "I will probably be back before dark, but if i'm not i will call you." "ok bye!" "bye" I said and closed the door. I looked at my phone and saw that the uber was here so i got in and headed to the skatepark.

*txt message*


bitch(sarah):ok cool

seb:txt me when you get there so i know ur safe. :)

me: ok 👍

After a few minutes i arrived and got out the car with my skate and bag and saw my friends. I texted Seb that i made it and went up to my friends.

A/n: suppppppp peeps. i started this yesterday but forgot to finish it. so yh. hope u had an amazing Christmas or an amazing day if you don't celebrate it (like me cuz i'm Muslim) soooo yhhh. stay safe and healthy. love ya byee <3

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