Part 16

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Seb's POV:
7:00. My alarm goes off telling me that I have to go wake Y/n up for school also to get me up and ready for filming. I got out of bed and head for the shower. When I'm finished with that I put some clothes on and check the time, 7:15. 'Y/n should be awake by now.' I think and head to her room.

Her door is closed, thinking she was changing I knocked. No answer. I knock again. No answer. I knock one more time and saying, "Y/n? Come on you have to get up for school." I don't hear anything so I go in. To my surprise she is still asleep. I sigh and sit next to her lying body on the bed. I start shaking her lightly while saying, "Y/n come on your gonna be late." She just grumbles and switches sides so she is facing away from me. 'This is gonna be harder than I thought.' I thought.

I stand up and open the curtains to have the sun go in her face so she wakes up. She whines and says, "go awayyy it's too early" in a sleepy tone. "Your gonna be late if you don't get up now, and I'm driving you today so get up." I say and switch the lights on. She whines again and says, "why do you hate me?" I am taken back by that, but think it's because I'm waking her up for school. "I don't hate you, I just want you to get up for school." She mumbles something and puts her face on her pillow, so she isn't facing me.

I sigh then get an idea. I go on my phone and go on Spotify and put on back in black. (Iykyk) I put it on the highest volume and put it next to her ear. "ughhhhh ok ok I'm up I'm up." She says. "I want to see you get up so I know when I leave the room you won't go back to bed." She sighs and says, "damn, Kacy always fell for that." She sits up and gets out of bed.

"Be down in 15 mins for breakfast." I say and leave the room, while closing the door. 20 minutes later she comes down. "Morning." I say, "morning" she says in a tired and low sound. "I made eggs and bacon, you like those right?" She nods and sits down. I put the plate in front of her and she mumbles and 'thank you' and I sit down next to her. After a few minutes she says, "do you have any coffee?" I am taken back, by the fact that she drinks it at a young age. "You drink coffee?" She has a confused look on her face, "yeah? Do u?" "Yeah I do I'm just surprised that you drink coffee at 15." I say going to the coffee maker. "I've been drinking it since 13, it just helps me stay awake in the morning. I normally get one on my way to school, but I don't know if there are coffee places near by." She says and takes a bite of food. I set the cup down in front of her sit back down. "Oh ok. Well there is one like 5 minutes away by walk if you ever wanna get one." She nods and drinks her coffee. I drink mine and we talk a bit more, and finish eating. I put the stuff away and she goes to change.

Y/n's POV:
After I finish breakfast I go up, to brush my teeth and change.
What you wear (if u want):

After I change, I grab my bag and put my school stuff and phone etc

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After I change, I grab my bag and put my school stuff and phone etc. I get downstairs and see that Sebastian is on the phone talking with someone. So I grab my cup that I take to school if I can't get coffee on the way and pour some in. By the time I'm done, Sebastian finishes with the call. "You ready?" "Yep" emphasise on the 'p'. "Are you gonna collect me as well or?" "I don't think I will be able to sorry." "No it's fine I just wanted to know, so I can bring my skateboard." I say and grab it following him to the car, closing the door behind me.

We get into the car and start driving, "you know where we are going right?" He chuckles and says, "yes I put the address on the navigator." "aw man. I thought you wouldn't and then we will get lost and u would be too late to go to school." I say and take a sip of my coffee. He laughs and says, "yes life can be annoying like that." "Tell me about it." I say and roll my eyes.

It's quiet for a bit until he says, "is that ur second cup of coffee?" "No it's hot chocolate why?" I say seriously. "Wait really when did yo- oh your being sarcastic never mind." I laugh and drink my coffee. "You Americans can't understand my amazing British humour." I say and we both laugh. We talk for a bit and get to school. He parks the car and I take my seat belt off. "Ok well have fun." "I think it's impossible to have fun at school."he rolls his eyes and says, "ok well don't get in trouble and text me if you are gonna be late." "I will bye." "Bye. Wait was I supposed to pack a lunch?" "No that's just an option." "Ok and you have your keys right?" I pay myself before saying, "no I think I lost them yesterday." "What?!" He says kinda loud. I laugh and say, " I'm kidding, I'm kidding. It's in my bag." He shakes his head and says, "you almost gave me a heart attack. Ok go your gonna be late." "I know I was tryin' to stall you." He rolls his eyes and I get out the car. He waves and I waves back before I walk inside school.

I walk in and see my friends standing next to their locker which is right next to mine. "Sup ma peeps." "Hey." "Hi" I open my locker and put things away and get stuff out. "So did Sebastian drop you off now?" Sarah asks. I roll my eyes and nod. "Damn. Does he have a nice car?" Alex asks. I roll my eyes again and at this point they may as well just stay up there 'lol that's wht she said' "I don't care. And plus I don't look at his car." I say and close my locker. "Did you get in trouble for being late?" Sarah asks. "A bit. But he was just worried." "What did you tell him about the black eye?" She asks again. "I told him that Alex pushed me." "You didn't tell him about the fight?" "No I don't want him to get worried or something. Or get mad at the fact that I was fighting someone older than me." She nods."They deserved it anyways." Alex says. "You know for the first time I'm actually gonna agree with you." I say and me and Sarah laugh while he just acts hurt. The bell rings and we go to the first class. I see the bitch (stephanie) and roll my eyes, that my day just got ruined for looking at her face.

A/n: oop she liedddd abt the black eye. Anywaysss soz it took long to update I was just tired and stuff. Plus school started on Thursday and i hate school so yh. Hope ur all well. Byeee love ya <3

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