Part 27

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*one week skip*
Y/n's pov:

I woke up with horrible back pains. And when I say horrible I mean it feels like 10 people are sitting on it. 'Fuck' I think. I get out of bed and go to the bathroom. I do my business and when I look down.... Blood. "Oh my fucking goddddddd." I say to no one.

My period has started, my fucking enemy. I look in the drawers to see one pad left. One. Single. Pad. I sigh, thinking I'm going to actually have to go out today just to buy pads. And quickly put the pad on and go back to bed. I look at the time and see it's 7:30 so I may as well go downstairs.

I can always ask dad but I don't want to have that conversation, which leads to awkwardness and then to me screaming in the pillow, for how awkward it will be. Im so glad it's a Saturday, because I would not have liked going to school because on my period I can never do anythinggg.

During my period, my back hurts so bad it feels like I'm a 90 year old with severe back pains, my legs feel so weak that it hurts and of course the cramps and headaches. And sometimes the random pain in my arse crack once a day.  Like why does that have to happen.

I make it to the kitchen to see nobody because grandma left three days ago to go back to work. I look on the table to see a note:

I had to quickly go to the shops so I won't be back until 8. I didn't want to wake you up but I put some left over breakfast which you can heat up in the fridge. Oh and Chris is coming by today to go over some scenes, hope that's ok.

Love, dad :)

Aw that's nice. I look in the fridge to see eggs and some pancakes. I take it out and heat it up. After I do that I eat while watching Gilmore girls because why not and im on the scene where Jess and Rory get together. I don't care what anyone says I'm team jess all the way. Anyways I finished and wash up the dishes, and take a pill to help with the pains (medicine not drugs. Don't do drugs kids) and go brush my teeth and do all that shit and then go back down to see the door opening.

"Hey I didn't know you would be awake." Dad said walking into the kitchen.  "Yeah, I woke up earlier today." I say while going to sit because my legs felt like jelly. He puts the stuff away and comes to sit next to me. "How did you sleep?" He asks. I look up from my phone and reply, "alright, how about you?" "Good." I nod and look back down. "Did you read my note?" "Yeah, thanks for the food." "No problem, is it fine that Chris is coming over?" "Yeah its fine. Kinda missed him anyways." Dad chuckles and goes back to look at his phone.

An hour goes by where we just talk every now and then. We talk about school and about the movie he is doing and all that stuff, then I realise that I have to get pads. "Uh I have to go to the shops real quick." I say and get off the sofa to go get changed. "Why? What do you have to get?" 'Shit what do I say?'  I turn around to see he is looking at me with a confused look and I say, "I need stuff for school." And then turn around to go upstairs to change.

I go back down to see the same confused look dad was giving me, "why didn't you ask me to get it, instead of you having to go out." "I didn't know if you were still at the store. It's fine I've been needing to get them anyways, and mows my chance." He gives in and says, "ok don't take too long. Do you have money?" "Yeah I have enough." He nods and follows me to the door. "Bye hun." "Bye dad." I say and kiss his cheek before heading off.

*half an hour later*

There was a huge line at the store and I've been anxious the whole walk back thinking that I might be leaking. I walk to the driveway to see an extra car, 'Chris must be here'. I open the door and is greeted with very loud hellos. I walk to the living room and see Chris. "Y/n! I haven't seen you in agesss." He says giving me a hug. I hug him back and say hello back. I let go and about to go when dad says, "what took so long?" I turn back and say "there was a long line at the store." He nods and I'm about to go when Chris says, "y/n come join us!" I sigh quietly and say, "yeah let me go to the loo first." I say and leave without getting stopped because I need to change my pad. I put the bag on the edge of my bed and take out the packet of pads and go to the toilet to change it.

After I do, my back pains really start to kick in so I lay down on my bed just to rest for a bit.

Seb's pov:

After y/n went upstairs me and Chris talked more. "So how has it been going with y/n?" Chris asked. "It's been going really well. We haven't had many fights. Only the one about her being up too late but that wasn't a big fight." He nods and we talk for 20 more minutes and then Chris  says, "y/n has been there for a while." I then realise that she hasn't come down yet so I say, "yeah, let me go check on her." I say getting up and going up to her room.

I get to her room and knock, "y/n? Everything ok? You've been up here for a while." I say and get no response. "Y/n?" I knock once again and get nothing again. "Ok y/n I'm coming in ok?" I say and slowly open the door and peek in to see that she's asleep. I go in the room and see her lying down on her bed. I sigh and pick her up so she can go under the covers, I pull back to cover while I'm carrying her with one arm.

She moves so I freeze, hoping I didn't wake her up but she just snuggled into me. I smile down at her and place her back on the bed and put the covers over her.  I kiss her fore head and then I accidentally knock over a bag. I go to pick it up when I see the pads and some Advil.  (idk wht the Americans call it cuz in the uk it's called paracetamol but idk if it's Advil or pain killer, so I'm just guessing. Sorry if I get it wrong) in the bag. 'Is she on her period?' I think to myself and put the rest of the stuff back in the bag and put it on her desk.

I close her door and walk back downstairs. "Hey is everything ok?" Chris asks seeing me walk back without y/n. "Yeah everything is fine, she's just fell asleep." "She ok?" I nod sitting back down, "I hope so, she promised that she will get more sleep after our little fight a week ago, so I hope it's not that. But I did see wht she got from the store." "What?" I sigh and say, "some pads and Advil." "Oh. I mean she is 16. I mean that would explain why she had to go to the store randomly." I nod and say, "yeah I guess but I feel like I should do something." I look at him and he says, "I mean, when my sisters had their periods, I would get them some snacks and a hot water bottle." I nod and say, "yeah we could do that." So we stand up and go to the kitchen to get snacks and put the on a tray and Chris gets the hot water bottle I have (which I didn't even know I did). Once we pour the hot water in, we put it on the tray and go upstairs.

A/n: I'm sorryyyy, I've been gone for like 3 months. I didn't know what to write and then school started and then yeah. I decided to write this cuz I'm also on my period. If u have any ideas what to do next, put it in the comments. I will carry this part onto the next part so if u put an idea that would a the part after. Have a nice rest of ur holiday or wht ever ur doing this week.  Love u all. Byeeee <3

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