Chapter Thirty-seven

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Question before we start: Should I post a lemon? I would incorporate it into the story so it makes sense, but I wouldn't make it a plot moving thing so people who aren't comfortable reading aren't missing out on anything.

The next morning...

You woke up groggily, blinking slowly. You felt the familiar sensation of arms wrapped around your waist. Leon's face was buried in the crook of your neck, and you could feel his rhythmic breathing against your back. He was a big cuddler.

Not that you minded.

You were beginning to get sore, however. You inched a little bit, hoping to easily get out. Nope. His arms were locked around you. You squirmed, making no progress. You began thrashing like a fish out of water, getting violent.

Leon was still fast asleep.

You had no choice.

You elbowed Leon in the ribs, causing him to shout out.

"I can't have any fun!" Leon exclaimed.

"You were awake?!" you shrieked. "You bully!"

"It was funny seeing you try to escape! Now I'm gravely injured," Leon whined. "Why must you hurt me so?"

"You suck," you replied.

Leon's mom appeared in the doorway, a stern look on her face.

"I hope you two weren't doing anything inappropriate," she scolded.

"We heard you banging around!" Hop called from another room. "Thanks for waiting until the morning and not doing that at night!"

"I hate this family," Leon grumbled, hiding under his blankets.


After an awkward breakfast, you and Leon decided to head out into Postwick. You tried to convince Leon's mother that you two hadn't done anything, and it only seemed like she somewhat believed you. She had a lot of doubt, though.

After leaving Leon's house, you began to be reminded of the unfortunate circumstances that you still are in. You are the hottest gossip topic at this current moment, and the Gym Challenge Committee was going to decide if you can continue or not. You really would like to continue, but you were worried that Chairman Rose would be furious now.

Damn Bede...

Bede is responsible for all of this, in the end. You hoped to never see him again. He must be shamed out of the public for being called out on his lies.

Downtown Postwick, you got a lot of glances, but people seemed to be too nervous to approach you and Leon. Too much controversy for them, you guessed.

Suddenly, Leon's phone rang. The Rotom flew in front of him and he nodded for it to pick up the call. Chairman Rose was on the other side. He had his signature smile, but you could tell it was forced.

"Leon, my good sir! How have you been holding up?" something about Rose's voice sounded force. He was putting up an act.

"Well, uh, I suppose things are getting better," Leon replied.

"Is that (y/n) I see in the background?" Rose asked. His eyes locked with yours and you could feel slight annoyance behind them. "Can you and her swing by the Wyndon office?"

It was more of a demand than a request.

"Right away," Leon replied quickly.

Chairman Rose nodded contently, and hung up the phone. Leon mouthed some not nice words and then turned to you.

Champion's Heart: Leon x Reader PokemonWhere stories live. Discover now