Chapter Twenty-three

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An older twenty one pilots song cuz why not? It's a down in the dumps kind of chapter.

You slowly opened your eyes. Your head throbbed, causing you to wince. You sat up and realized you were in a room you didn't recognize.

"Don't move too quickly, you might hurt yourself," said a voice from outside the room.

You looked around, looking for the source. A man entered the room, a cup full of a steaming liquid. He was rather pale, had strikingly blue eyes, and black and white hair. Everything about him screamed punk rock. You recognized him as one of the Gym Leaders.

"Um... I'm Piers, but I'm sure you knew that from the Opening Ceremony," Piers introduced.

You nodded slowly. "I'm (y/n)... How did I get here?"

"Well, uh, I was in Stow-on-Side to watch my sister's fourth Gym Battle since I had some free time, and then I decided to take a walk," Piers sighed. "Then I heard yelling and someone shouting in pain and I decided to investigate. By the time I got there, that kid Bede already beat the hell out of you. He ran when he saw me, hoping I wouldn't know it was him. Then, I decided to take you back to my place to help you heal up."

"Why didn't you take me to a professor's lab?" you questioned.

"Trust me, it would only cause more problems," Piers replied.

You nodded slowly, not really understanding but not wanting to question him further.

"By the way, have this tea, it'll help with your head pain," Piers said, offering you the cup.

"Thanks." You took the cup and started to drink. It was very good, probably your favorite tea. Instantly, your head throbbing started to cool and you let out a small sigh.

"I'll have a Flying Taxi set up for you," Piers stated. "Not to be weird, but what town do you live in? They like to know these things in advance."

"Postwick," you replied shortly.

"Oh? The same town as Champion Leon?" Piers questioned.

You looked down at the ground. "Yeah."

Piers noticed your reaction to bringing up Leon. "Is something wrong?"

"I'm not sure if it's wise to tell someone I just met about my issues," you replied, giving Piers a weak smile.

"It's alright, I won't judge," Piers assured. He took a seat next to you on the bed.

"Well, it's just that I have strong feelings for him, but he thinks it's just because he's the champion and famous and I'm becoming another fangirl," you explained. "It's not that at all! In fact, I hated him before I got to know him!"

Piers nodded. He got up and grabbed a guitar that was hanging on the wall. "People really don't understand feelings nowadays. Not even their own feelings." He started strumming on the guitar, at first playing random chords.

Before long, the chords turned into a slow song. You could hear his sadness with each chord.

"Sometimes, people understand how others feel. Sometimes, they only somewhat understand. And sometimes, they never quite figure out why a person feels a certain way," Piers explained. "Most people are like the last type. That's the problem with society; almost nobody cares about how their peers feel."

The song's tune became heartbreaking. You stared at the ground.

"But Leon? Usually he is the first type," Piers continued. "I've known him since I was young. He usually puts other people above himself and always understands how they feel. But, he hasn't dealt with feelings like yours in a long time."

"Really?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Leon never thought of himself as someone who can be loved endlessly by another," Piers explained. "Only once has he ever dealt with true, romantic love."

Who was the flame he felt romantic love with, you wondered.

"I think if you wait awhile longer, Leon will come around," Piers said.

"Maybe," you replied shortly.

You definitely had a lot more to think about now. You had to rethink the situation about Leon's feelings. Was it possible he had feelings for you, but didn't think he was worth it? It reminded you of some of his statements. He never put you down, but he did constantly berate himself and seemed to think he wasn't worthy of your affection.

Why were you thinking about this right now?

You're right here, sitting next to Piers, because Bede attacked you until you passed out. He was the true issue at hand.

You had no clue if he would come after you again once he got the chance. Next time, you might not be so lucky that someone as powerful as Piers was there to chase him off. Piers was the third strongest trainer in the region, according to others that you have met and the media. Piers didn't like to admit this, though.

What if Bede was waiting for you in Postwick? What if he attacked you at the next Gym?

You let out a dry laugh. "Here I am, focused on my feelings for my crush when I should focus on how I was attacked earlier by Bede!"

"Well, if it makes you feel better, I already reported him to the league," Piers replied. "I also notified authorities as a witness. All you have to do is file a report yourself and action will be taken."

You locked eyes with Piers and smiled. "Thank you for all of your help."

Piers' phone buzzed. "It seems that your Flying Taxi is here."

You nodded and got up, your legs shaky.

"I'll let them know to take it easy," Piers added, pulling a hand on your shoulder to steady you. "Also, don't let Marnie know you were here. She will accuse me of trying to steal her friends."

You let out a giggle. "I promise I won't say anything."

Piers lead you outside.

"By the way, can I give you my number?" you asked. Piers looked dumbfounded for a moment, so you continued talking. "I, uh, thought that since you were so kind maybe I could keep contact with you? Like maybe we can become friends?"

A ghost of a smile appeared on Piers' face. The corners of his mouth slightly twitched, though crookedly. Clearly, he never truly had a reason to smile in a long time.


After your smooth flight on the Flying Taxi, you were back home in Postwick. You smiled as you stood outside your home. You walked inside.

"Who's there?" your dad called from the living room.

He walked out to the door and grinned. "(y/n)! I was expecting you were going to come home with this moratorium!"

"Hi dad," you smiled.

He gave you a hug. "Nice battles, slugger! You really know how to dish out attacks!"

You beamed with pride.

"Also, someone is waiting for you upstairs," your dad added. "He said he needed to speak to you urgently."

Your smile fell. Oh boy, you weren't prepared for this.

1096 words

Sorry for the week delay. A lot of stuff got thrown off with this coronavirus thing.

Thank you for the read and don't forget to vote!

Champion's Heart: Leon x Reader PokemonWhere stories live. Discover now