Chapter Twenty-four

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You took each step up the stairs slowly. You weren't ready to speak to him yet! Your father told you who was waiting for you upstairs, and you felt nothing but dread. It was far too soon and you felt too guilty.

After much hesitation, you opened your bedroom door.

"(y/n)?!" Leon exclaimed, rushing to you.

Leon wrapped his arms around you and held you close to him. You froze, unsure how to react.

"I'm so sorry for everything!" Leon shouted. "From lying about my relationship to denying your feelings to not being there when you were hurt."

You pushed Leon away. "Y-You know?!" How could he have found out?

"I'm not supposed to tell you this, but Piers told me immediately after he sent you back here," Leon explained. "He had good intentions. He gave me a verbal lashing for putting you through all that I did."

You sighed, thankful for Piers. "Piers is a great person. I'm thankful he told you because I know I wouldn't have said anything."

Leon's face soured and for a second you thought you saw a glint of jealousy in his eyes. As soon as you saw it, the look disappeared.

"I think we should talk," Leon said.

You sat down on your bed, legs dangling off the edge. You patted the space next to you for him to sit.

"Are you doing alright?" Leon asked. "After being attacked, especially with Pokemon moves, you might be pretty hurt."

He was right. There was a dull ache in your head, but Piers' tea still dampened the pain. In fact, most of your body was sore.

"I'm pretty sore," you admitted.

Leon's jaw clenched and he looked straight ahead, his eyes fiery.

"When I find that kid..." Leon growled. He snapped back to reality. "But how are you mentally?"

You fell silent. You didn't know yourself. First, you were rejected by someone you liked. Then, you were attacked and you don't know if you're safe even now. What if Bede came and attacked again when you didn't expect it?

Leon took note of your silence and put an arm around your shoulder.

"I'm sorry, (y/n)," Leon murmured, his voice laced with pain.

He truly blamed himself for your pain. That made you feel even more guilty.

"Leon, it's not your fault," you assured. "How could it be?"

"This happened after I was so awful to you when you confessed your feelings for me," Leon explained. "How could I not be to blame?"

"Even if you had accepted my feelings, Bede would still have come after me," you countered. "It was my choice to run out to where I was alone. In fact, this is all my fault. Even this moment. I shouldn't have ever come to Galar."

You looked down at the ground, tears welling in your eyes.

Leon pulled you in for another hug. "None of this is your fault. You didn't choose to get attacked. You didn't choose for me to act like a jerk when you opened up to me. I believe it was your destiny to come to Galar as you're making a huge impact on a whole region in just a small amount of time!"

You finally decided to hug him back. You sniffed and smiled. Maybe Leon was right.

"Thank you, Leon," you said quietly.

"Also, are we okay in terms of my deception?" Leon asked.

"Yes, I forgave you a long time ago," you replied, rolling your eyes. "Just don't pull that bs again, alright? We need to be honest with each other if we want to continue being friends."

Leon's eyes widened at the word "friends" as if he was just reminded of something.

"There's something I have to talk to you about," Leon added. "Something more than what we've already discussed.

"What is it?" you asked curiously.

"Well, I took some time to think about your confession," Leon explained. "And here's a question. Do you really have feelings for me?"

You stayed silent for a second before answering. "Yes, I have feelings for you. And I know for a fact that they are not just fangirl feelings."

"How can you be so sure about that?" Leon asked.

"For starters, I know you personally," you replied. "Remember when I used to hate you? If these were fangirl feelings, then I would have loved you from the beginning."

"I don't know, I think I need to be convinced further," Leon said, smirking.

You realized that he might believe you, but you didn't want to lose your chance to let out all of your feelings.

"I don't know what your definition of a fangirl really is, but I know I'm not just a fangirl," you started. "I started to fall for you shortly after the Gym Challenge started. I fell for your humor, your kindness, and your patience. You're an excellent teacher and I owe a lot of battles and victories to you. You were kind enough to teach me your techniques, give me a Dynamax bracelet, and spend time with me. I think I really caught feelings the night we camped together. That night was truly magical."

Leon fell silent, his smirk gone. You felt nervous, unsure if you shared too much. It was the full, honest truth. However, you didn't want to scare him off by being too real.

"I... I don't know what to say," Leon said slowly. "I definitely am very flattered, especially since I know your feelings are real now."

This wasn't acceptance or rejection, but you felt relieved since he was no longer denying how you felt. To you, this was a giant win.

"If I'm being honest, I don't know how I feel," Leon continued.

"What do you mean?" you questioned.

"You're definitely something special," Leon mused. "You're not like anyone I have ever met, and I've met thousands of people. There's something about you that I'm attracted to."

You smiled and blushed.

"However, I'm not entirely sure if this attraction is romantic, or if I am excited to finally experience something new," Leon explained. He sighed. "I wasn't lying when I said I'm too busy for a relationship. With my job as a champion, I barely have time to get into the dating world. I've never really pursued everyone and only had a few girlfriends over the years."

"Really?" you asked, surprised.

"Really. I always travel to different cities on a daily basis, and sometimes even whole regions," Leon continued. "The bottom line is, I definitely feel some attraction to you as well, but I need time to decide if I want to pursue something with you or if we should remain as friends."

Although disappointed, this was much better than before. You nodded and smiled bittersweetly. You would wait for him to decide his feelings for you.

"Anyway, I should get going, I overstayed my welcome," Leon said. He got up. "It was nice talking to you. I'm on break, too! I'll be next door for the next couple weeks if you want to visit."

Leon gave you a warm smile and wave as he exited your room.

You still had a small smile on your face as you thought about his visit. You wondered yourself if you really wanted to get into a relationship with Leon or if this was just a temporary thought.

But, for now, you had to live your life.

So, you texted Piers.

you- Hey Piers! It's (y/n).

I was wondering if you'd like

to get some coffee with me


1205 words.

Midway through the story!

Also, I'm planning on releasing a one-shot within the next couple days. I decided I'm going to add little one-shots every now and then about different scenarios! This next one-shot will be about a yandere Leon!

Thank you for the read and don't forget to vote!

Champion's Heart: Leon x Reader PokemonWhere stories live. Discover now