Chapter Forty

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You relished in the glory of your victory for a few more moments. The crowd jeered, and adrenaline rushed through your veins. This is why you like partaking in the Gym Challenge. The atmosphere, the crowd, and most of all, the victory.

Melony grinned at you and waved as she made her exit. You decided it was time to take yours. Manectric bounded after you happily. You gave it a pat on the head as a small reward. You were going to treat all of your Pokemon to a nice meal later.

You exited the battlefield and reentered the lobby. The receptionist sheepishly handed you your new ice uniform. You gave him a cocky smirk, hoping he regretted being rude to you earlier.

Before you had a chance to go change into your normal clothes, you were suddenly bombarded with the press.

"Challenger (y/n), any words after your comeback?"

"DId Leon come watch you tonight?"

"Will you provide us any updates on your relationship with Leon?"

"Did you and Leon break up for you to continue in the Gym Challenge?"

You shrunk back, not knowing what to say.

"Calm down everyone, give my girl some space," called out Leon's voice. "Excuse me."

The crowd of paparazzi divided to let Leon through. You lost your breath, feeling elated upon seeing him.

"Leon!" you exclaimed.

Without thinking about it, you leaped forward and wrapped your arms around him.

"I'm so glad you came!" you said happily.

Leon seemed to be surprised. "Er, uh, of course!"

Cameras began to flash all around you. You pulled back, your face flushing. You had just gotten excited about Leon in front of all these cameras. Your little geeky moment was going to be the top headline for the next week.

You met Leon's eyes and noticed that he seemed to be slightly annoyed, and you immediately felt guilty. The way you had been acting lately was not okay. You were going to set things right in your relationship.

Leon turned to the crowd.

"Now, everyone, my girlfriend and I will be heading out," Leon explained. "I promise all of your questions will be answered soon. Be patient!"

Leon wrapped his arm around your shoulder and began to guide you out of the gym. The crowd began to bubble around the two of you, but allowed you to continue walking. They fired questions left and right, clearly ignoring Leon's request for them to be patient.

"Can I get changed first?" you asked weakly.

"You'll never get out if you go back in," Leon replied dryly.

You nervously giggled, shivering in the cold Circhester air. Leon guided you to where Charizard was waiting, already saddled up. You recalled Manectric.

"I'm going to take us to a place to talk," Leon said. He stared at your shivering form. "Don't worry, it will be somewhere warm."

You sighed in relief.

Leon placed his hands on your hips as he guided you onto Charizard's back. The feeling of his firm arms around your waist caused you to blush.

Leon hoisted himself behind you, pulling you back into his chest. You turned even redder than a tomato.

"Brace yourself, we are going to have a champion time!" Leon exclaimed, before kicking Charizard off.

You squeaked at the sudden take off, and you felt Leon slightly chuckle.

You felt a little better. If he was laughing, he couldn't be too upset, right?

Leon guided Charizard to stay low. You looked around, wondering where he was going to take you. Fortunately, it was not a long flight, as Leon guided Charizard to the top of a hotel building.

Charizard gently flapped its wings and landed lightly on the rooftop. Leon jumped off Charizard's back, and turned back to you, holding out a hand to help you down.

You gratefully took his hand and slid off of Charizard's back. You shivered in the cold.

"Oh, I guess I should've taken us somewhere warmer," Leon chuckled. "Here, take this."

Leon slid his cape off of his shoulders and wrapped it around you.

"Thanks," you said, grateful.

"So, uh, I guess we have a lot of talking to do," Leon started, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

You winced. "Yeah, we do..."

"I'll start," both you and Leon said in unison.

You both awkwardly laughed.

"You go on," Leon insisted.

"Well... How do I start this..." you said slowly. "I'm sorry."

Leon's eyes widened, not expecting your bluntness.

"I really should not have said what I did in Rose's office," you sighed. "I don't want to hide our relationship any longer. You make me so incredibly happy, and I want the world to see that."

A small smile appeared on Leon's face.

"I want them to see how good we are together," you said. "I want them to see what a great man you are. I want them to see that I truly love you."

Leon's eyes got even wider. "You l-love me?"

"Yes, you dummy," you joked, your face flushing.

Leon scooped you into his arms. "(y/n), I love you too!"

You batted at him in annoyance. "I wasn't done talking you dummy!"

Leon put his hand on your cheek, forcing you to look him dead in the face. Without warning, he leaned his face towards yours, kissing you passionately.

The fight in you fizzled out. You leaned into the kiss, closing your eyes. You wrapped your arms around his neck. His hands trailed down to your waist, pulling you in closer to deepen the kiss.

His kiss became hungry, and his hands tightened around your waist. You squeaked at the pressure, then suddenly Leon came back to reality.

He pulled away, his face had turned to a warm shade of pink.

"We should save that for the bedroom," Leon joked.

"LEON!" you chastised, stomping your foot.

Your face felt like the surface of the sun.

Leon laughed at your indignance. "Well, you basically covered the subject I wanted to bring up."

You smiled sheepishly. "Yeah, hope everything's alright now."

"Of course it is," Leon said. "I was worried you wanted us to hide away again, and I was not going to allow it!"

"Never again," you replied. You reached your hand forward, grasping his warm hand in yours. "Let's show the world our love."

1061 words

It's nice to be back. Also, I will be taking down the request page in about a week! Make your requests while you can and I will be doing a random draw based on usernames of who requested! There will be seven one shots for one shot week.

Thanks for the read and don't forget to vote!

Champion's Heart: Leon x Reader PokemonWhere stories live. Discover now