Chapter Six

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A couple days have passed without seeing Leon. He wasn't avoiding you, in fact it was far from it. He was very serious about making you see him in a different light.

And your opinion of him was definitely changing. It was such a kind gesture for him to give you something like the Dynamax bracelet when it was already so rare.

The reason you haven't seen him? Well, it was the day of the Opening Ceremony at the Monostoke Gym for the Gym Challenge. All participants of gym battles this upcoming season were required to come.

Today was your last day in Monostoke. You gathered your things and headed down into the lobby. Hop quickly caught up with you, his eyes shining with excitement.

"(y/n)! Finally, today's the day we officially become rivals," Hop cheered. "But, I will be the one to become the next champion!"

"Those are some very inspiring words," said Leon as he walked up to you and Hop. "However, you have to get a letter of endorsement, first."

Your jaw dropped and Hop started to panick.

"I-I forgot!" Hop stuttered. His shoulders slumped. "How can I become the champion if I can't even get a letter of endorsement?"

"Don't worry! I have a way one of you can earn a letter of endorsement," Leon replied. "Come outside. There is a battle court nearby, and you two will battle for my Letter of Endorsement."

Hop instantly brightened up. He rushed outside without a second thought, much to you and Leon's amusement. Leon turned to you.

"Give it your all, out there," Leon said, though you figured he wasn't just talking about this battle, but your upcoming journey.

You still wanted to become the champion as well. You still had your doubts about Leon, but they were slowly fading away.


You and Hop stood at opposite ends of the court, glaring at each other. This was the match that was going to set you up for the rest of your season. Only one of you would be advancing to the next level, which was Gym Challenges and the Road to Victory.

Hop sent out his Wooloo, an obvious choice. In return, you sent out Eevee. You wanted to save your strongest Pokemon, Electrike, for later when the battle becomes more intense. You decided you were going to take the first move.

"Eevee, use Swift!" you shouted, pointing at the Wooloo.

The thing about Swift was that it was a move that never missed. That one fact manifested as every single star from Swift slammed into the Wooloo. It seemed to have taken quite a bit of damage from that hit, however, Hop didn't seem phased.

"Wooloo, tackle!" Hop shouted in return.

For such a round and fluffy creature, Wooloo was quick. It ran and slammed into Eevee, causing it to fly back. Eevee stood up shakily.

"Quick attack!"

"Use tackle to knock it out of the way!"

Your Eevee was slammed once again and this time looked seriously hurt. You knew it wouldn't last much longer. You hated to admit it, but Hop was dominating the battle field at the moment. You glanced at Leon, who was entirely emotionless. He was watching the battle with fascination.

"Eevee, hang in there," you said softly, taking a moment to consider the battle. "Do you want to take a break?"

You grabbed Electrike's Poke-ball, but Eevee protested. It had a sense of determination that impressed you. "Swift!" Eevee used all it got and the stars from Swift pummelled the Wooloo. It fell over on the ground.

Champion's Heart: Leon x Reader PokemonWhere stories live. Discover now