Chapter Five

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You almost didn't wake up to the knocking on the door. You opened your eyes and blinked groggily.

"Uh, (y/n), we would like to get going soon," Leon said from outside your door.

Your eyes snapped open, suddenly realizing what you were supposed to do today. You scrambled out of bed and went into your bag to get your clothes. You put on a nice sweater and black leggings, and threw on your favorite pair of shoes. You quickly ran through your hair with your fingers and threw it up into a cute, messy bun. This would have to do for the amount of time you had.

You threw open the door, greeted by Leon's hand clenched, as if he was about to knock on the door again.

"Good morning," you smiled crookedly.

"Uh, it's actually the afternoon," Leon corrected.

You frowned instantly, your face heating up. You had slept so long! Diantha must think you're lazy.

"O-Oh! I'm sorry," you sputtered out in shock.

Leon chuckled. "It's okay, you had a long journey."

You rubbed the back of your head awkwardly.

"So, what're we doing today?" you asked.

"I was thinking of walking around the city with you and Diantha and then taking you both to one of the cafes in the area," Leon replied.

You followed him out into the lobby, where you saw a familiar movie star in a white dress that looked as if she had two fluffy, white wings. Diantha's blue eyes locked with your (e/c) ones, containing warmth.

"Hello, you're (y/n) I presume," she said. "It's nice to meet you. Leon talks about you a lot."

You smiled. "Does he now?" For once he wasn't talking about himself? What's that about.

Leon grinned widely. "Well of course! You have a lot of potential."

You looked around, suddenly realizing that Hop was nowhere to be found.

"Where's Hop?" you asked.

"He wanted to check out the Battle Cafe outside of town," Leon explained. "He told me to apologize for him since he didn't want to wait."

You rolled your eyes at Hop's antics. He was still a good friend, though.

"Anyway, let's head out, shall we?" Leon smiled at both you and Diantha.


The city was definitely gorgeous. The sun shone brightly in the sky with its light reflecting off of the buildings. The city was a busy place. It reminded you heavily of Lumiose City. You definitely felt like a third wheel as Leon and Diantha were busily chatting away. Leon made a motion to speak to you a few times, however, you felt that he picked up the vibe that you didn't really want to speak to him. You were more interested in taking in everything around you.

Diantha suddenly stopped talking to Leon and dropped back to speak to you.

"Is that a megastone you have?" Diantha asked, surprised as she locked eyes with your necklace.

"Yes, I'm from Kalos," you replied brightly.

Diantha looked surprised and smiled. "It's nice to have someone else from Kalos here. Have you achieved Mega Evolution yet?"

"Unfortunately, I have not," you replied. "My Electrike is my only Pokemon who carries a mega stone. And she's not evolved yet, though I know our bond is strong enough that when the day comes that she evolves, we will achieve Mega Evolution."

Champion's Heart: Leon x Reader PokemonWhere stories live. Discover now