Chapter Sixteen

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You and Hop continued your journey to Stow-on-Side. Currently, you wanted to look for your sixth team partner. Though you loved your team as it was, another member to add to the dynamic would certainly prove beneficial.

"What Pokemon should I get?" you asked, mostly to yourself.

"Maybe something that isn't Electric-type," Hop replied sarcastically. "Four of your Pokemon are Electric-type."

You rolled your eyes. "I've always wanted to specialize in Electric-type Pokemon. Plus, I have dual-type Pokemon on my roster."

"I'm expanding my team as well," Hop said. "We are going to battle at the next city! And no fainting this time."

You chuckled. "Whatever, I'll beat you up with Mega Evolution."

"You should learn how to Dynamax," Hop said. "Well, I know you know how to use it, but you don't."

"I've been thinking about that," you admitted. "Leon promised me a lesson, yet he never followed through."

"This is a thing you kinda have to pick up on your own," Hop shrugged. "Anyway, let's split for a moment to search for Pokemon."

You went your separate ways, and to spite Hop, you started searching for another Electric-type Pokemon. There were a lot of Pokemon, including Applin, Thievul, and more. You looked around in wonder, mindlessly wandering through the tall grass.

You heard a small growl ahead of you, snapping your attention back to your surroundings. You instantly took a battle stance, reaching for Manectric's Poke-ball. You looked around, expecting to lock eyes with a giant, threatening Pokemon.

However, much to your confusion, you couldn't see anything large. There was still something growling, though. You looked down at the ground and gasped as you saw the Pokemon. 

It was baby. 

It was a Toxel, a Pokemon classified in the Baby Pokemon group. You held a hand over your mouth, squealing in excitement at your find. Toxel was a very powerful Pokemon, despite its small stature and classification.

It snarled at you, though all it sounded like was a baby having a tantrum. You bent down to its eye level.

"Hey there, little one," you cooed, reaching your hand out to stroke it.

Clearly, the Toxel didn't like this and used Nuzzle on your hand. After searing pain hit you, you retracted your hand, hissing in pain. You glared at the little Pokemon.

"All I want is to take care of you and love you," you said. You absentmindedly sent out Manectric.

Manectric stared down at the Toxel in wonder, confused as to why it decided to attack its trainer. Toxel didn't pay attention to Manectric and continued to glare at you.

"You're such a great Pokemon with so much potential! That shock was very powerful," you complimented.

Toxel's glare died down, though it looked unsure of what to think of you. You reached your hand out again, but it snapped at your hand, making you rethink your decision.

"Please, I love you," you said.

Toxel started crying, thankful for your speech. However, this show of vulnerability didn't matter to Manectric. Before you could react, Manectric used Tackle on the poor Toxel and struck it with Thunderbolt, knocking it out instantly.


Thinking fast, you pulled a Heal Ball out of your backpack and threw it at the Toxel. Obviously, you caught it due to its state, but at least now it would be healed.

Champion's Heart: Leon x Reader PokemonWhere stories live. Discover now