Chapter Ten

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It was finally time. It was time for your second Gym battle. As you stood in the lobby of the Gym, you watched the television as Hop received his second badge. You were next in line to challenge the leader, and second of the day. This meant the Gym Leader would be at the top of their game. You didn't know much about Gym Leader Nessa and her battle style, as they didn't let you watch the actual battle between her and Hop. Just before and after.

Hop looked genuinely proud of himself, which caused you to smile. It was nice seeing someone you were beginning to get close to so happy.

"Challenger (y/n), please get prepared as your entrance is set for ten minutes from now," said the receptionist.

You nodded to them and headed into the locker room. You were deciding which Pokemon you were going to use for this battle. This was a Water type gym, which gave you an advantage since three of your Pokemon were Electric type.

Even with the type advantage, you knew not to underestimate your opponent. There was always the chance her Pokemon could be dual type, which would cancel out your Pokemons' advantage.

You decided you were going to start with Electrike, then Yamper, and finish with Chinchou. You have come to find that Chinchou knew the moves Water Gun, Electro Ball, Bubble Beam, and Spark. This made it split perfectly between its typing, which would be useful in the future.

You changed into your Grass Uniform. You had tossed your old, plain uniform after receiving this cool new uniform. Leaf patterns adorned the fabric and were a soft green. The big numbers '06' were plastered on the back of the uniform. You were ready.

"Hope you guys are ready," you said to the three Poke-balls you had spread on the locker room bench.

All three of the Poke-balls twitched, as if the Pokemon were nodding to you.

"Let's win our second badge!" you exclaimed.

You walked back out into the lobby. The receptionist looked up from his computer.

"Good timing, Gym Leader Nessa is ready for you," the receptionist informed.

"Thank you," you replied, heading through the open doors.

Your breath hitched as you looked upon the audience. This gym was significantly larger than the one in Turffield, as was the audience. You slightly stumbled as you took in the attention. The audience screamed and cheered around you. You didn't know how to react, so you waved awkwardly.

You walked down the line, noticing that Nessa was walking towards you from the other side of the line. You started to confidently strut to Nessa, remembering what you were there for. Adrenaline coursed through your veins and you grinned.

You loved this feeling of euphoria.

You and Nessa stopped and faced each other. Nessa put her hands on her hips and stared at you with an unnerving and confident gaze.

"Welcome, honored Gym Challenger," Nessa declared. "I think you already realize, but I'm Nessa. I don't know what your plan today is, but I'll be sure that my partner and I will sink it."

"We'll see," you replied.

Nessa smirked at you, impressed you spoke up. From what you've heard in the lobby, most challengers were too intimidated to talk back.

You and Nessa walked backwards to give space for your Pokemon to battle. Nessa began with her battle pose and kicked her leg up with impressive flexibility, then sent out her first Pokemon, which was a Goldeen. You sent out Electrike.

Electrike was practically buzzing with excitement.

"The first move is yours," Nessa reminded as you hesitated.

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