Chapter Thirteen

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For the next few hours, all you felt was the sensation of being held close to something strong and sheer exhaustion. You were in and out of consciousness, unable to decipher where you were and why.

Eventually, you came back into reality, waking up in the inn room you were staying in to a splitting headache and the urge to vomit. Not wondering how you made it back into the inn room, you ran from the bed to the bathroom. As soon as you reached the toilet, you let out all of the contents in your stomach.

You fell onto your knees and leaned on the sink after you finished, shaking. What happened to you?

Loud and fast footsteps pounded into the bathroom. You tiredly looked to the door to see Leon, who looked concerned.

"Hey, are you alright?" Leon asked in concern. "I don't think you should be out of bed."

"I'm fine, just a little tired," you lied, even though you felt as though you were dying.

Leon sighed and looked at you with pity. You hated that look. You felt low right now, but you despised when anyone gave you that look. Especially the people from your past. You want to show them you do not need their pity.

"Come on, I'll help you get back to bed," Leon said, offering his hand for you to take.

You refused and stood up on your own. Leon looked concerned, but didn't say anything. You shakily walked back to the bed, out of breath by the time you got there. You frowned as you tried to recall how you got to be in this state in the first place.

"What happened?" you questioned.

"Well, from what I saw, the power of Mega Evolution was starting to get to you, and you passed out," Leon explained. "Diantha explained to Hop and I that sometimes Mega Evolution becomes too powerful for newer trainers to handle all at once."

You nodded in understanding. "I just need some rest for a little while. I have to go challenge Motostoke Gym today."

"You still have two days after this, today's not happening," Leon shut down.

You glared at him. "Who made you in charge?" You straightened up, looking Leon in the eye to challenge him.

"You're in no place to argue in your state," Leon said, raising an eyebrow at you.

You sighed, realizing he was right. You would collapse before you even made it to the lobby of the inn, let alone the gym. You clenched your fist, your nails digging into your palm. You were really cutting it close in terms of challenging a gym.

"Whatever," was all you said,

"Do you want me to make you something to eat?" Leon offered.

"I don't need your help," you said a little harshly. After Leon looked hurt, you felt bad.

"Just let me help you," Leon pleaded. "I wasn't able to help you with Mega Evolution, so please let me do this for you."

"Fine, I'm sorry for lashing out," you replied guiltily.

"It's fine, I get that you're not feeling well," Leon assured you. "What would you like to eat?"

"(your favorite comfort food)," you said. Leon smiled at you.

"Really? That's one of my favorites," Leon admitted. "Hey, maybe we can have a day in together."

"Are you sure? Don't you have some important Champion things to do?" you asked.

"Well, yeah, but it's just some commercial shoots," Leon replied. He sighed sadly. "I wish becoming the Champion didn't include all of these advertisement gimmicks."

Champion's Heart: Leon x Reader PokemonWhere stories live. Discover now