Chapter Thirty-nine

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Brief A/N

AHHHH THANKS SO MUCH FOR 200K READS!!!! THIS MEANS THE WORLD TO ME!!! Thinking of a 200k reads one shot special... what do you guys think?

Thanks for your patience! Also, check out my new story "Stubborn Lovers!" It currently has five published chapters and a few more already written that will be published periodically. It's a good story I promise! Already has 100 reads.

Upon entering the gym, you shivered. Although all of Circhester was freezing, the mist cascading within the gym could be felt down to the bone. Marnie stayed outside, not wanting to go into the gym until she was ready.

You glanced around, searching for the receptionist. It was hard to see, but you eventually found a man, who was heavily bundled in a large coat and scarf. You scampered over to him.

"I'm here for the Gym Challenge," you said matter-of-factly.

He stared at you skeptically. "Challenger (y/n)?"

You nodded, rubbing your arms to make sure they don't lose feeling. The man nodded, his face straight.

"Even in the cold conditions, you need to change into your Gym Challenge Uniform," the man instructed.

You groaned. You adjusted your backpack on your shoulders and trudged into the bathroom.

After a couple minutes, you came out clad in your brand new Fairy-Type uniform you earned in Ballonlea. It had a bright and chipper mood to it, which was quite opposite of how you were feeling.

This would be your first public appearance since the video and article dropped. You wondered if people would be receptive to Leon's message.

You stood shivering in the lobby, waiting for your turn to enter the Gym.

"Challenger number 6, it is now your time," the man called from the desk.

You practically ran inside just to warm up. The mist grew thicker, causing you confusion. It became so thick that you could barely see your hand in front of your face.

Snow crunched under your feet with each step. You wondered how much maintenance cost with indoor snow.

You continued to trudge through the void of white in front of you, ignoring the pinching cold the mist left. Eventually, you found an opening. The entrance to the Gym battle field.

Your eyes sparkled. Finally, you would be returning to battling. Although you were scared, you were not going to lose focus on your passions.

It became clear as you walked through the entrance. You lifted your chin and walked proudly into the clearing. The blue floor sparkled like ice, although fortunately was not slippery. You noticed Melony approaching from the other end of the Gym. You faltered slightly.

You stared up into the stands, realizing they were packed to the brim. Your confidence wavered. There were both cheers and jeers as you entered into the Gym. It seemed that the Galar region was divided on morale.

As you met Melony, she gave you a warm and comforting smile.

"Dear child, please do not pay attention to the audience today," Melony said, placing a hand on your arm. "You have been through enough."

You wanted to tear up a bit. The support was welcomed.

"I am Melony. As you can clearly see, I've assembled a team of all Ice-Type Pokemon," explained Melony. "All righty, I suppose we should get started. You won't be able to escape when I freeze you solid."

Champion's Heart: Leon x Reader PokemonWhere stories live. Discover now