*Shy! Reader One-Shot*

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This has nothing to do with the storyline of this book. This is a one shot of an alternate universe. 

This was the worst possible outcome. Your whole world was falling apart and you didn't know how long it would be before it finally broke.

You had to go to a press conference with Leon.

Well, it wasn't like you had to, but Leon wanted you to come with for a few reasons. One, his managers thought it would be great for the both of your public images to be seen together and confirm the "rumors" of your relationship. This was because Leon was the Galar Champion and you were a popular book writer. Two, Leon wanted to show you off.

You agreed because you couldn't say no to his puppy-dog eyes.

He begged and pleaded until you finally gave, even with your social anxiety. You were a very shy person in general, which makes your relationship with Leon very surprising.

You laid on your bed, covering your face and body with a blanket, dreading the coming day. Leon hasn't come to pick you up just yet, but you didn't care. He can never show up and you'd be happy you don't have to make an appearance in front of hundreds of people. Your whole life you hated the spotlight. You loved battling, but didn't participate in the Gym Challenge because of your feelings. You couldn't speak to new people because of your worries.

The dreadful knock on the door came too soon. You stayed silent, unsure of what to say, and also hoping the intruder of your peace would disappear.

Leon let himself in anyway.

"(y/n), it's time to go!" Leon called, walking around your house.

You remained quiet, clutching onto the blanket. You heard the door of your room open and remained still.

"Oh wow! A lump on a bed!" Leon exclaimed. "Wonder where (y/n) can be."

Leon took a few steps to the bed and you knew you were caught. You whimpered. Leon sat next to your limp form and then scooped you and the blanket into his arms.

"Found you!" Leon laughed, pulling part of the blanket off your face. He frowned when he saw your petrified expression. "Are you doing alright?"

You took in a deep breath. "I-I'm okay," you said quietly.

Even though you have been with Leon for over a month, you still were shy around him sometimes.

Leon gave you a look that suggested that he didn't believe you. "Come on, you can tell me anything."

You bit your lip nervously. "W-Well, I'm nervous about today..."

Leon smiled at you sympathetically. "You'll do great."

"All the people, and all the cameras, I don't know if I can handle it," you replied.

"I'll be with you the whole time," Leon said. "If you get uncomfortable or overwhelmed, let me know."

"How can I do that without making a scene?" you asked.

"Let's make a safe communication," Leon explained. "Tap with your first finger twice on my hand if you don't want to answer a question, tap three times if you're getting uncomfortable with the attention, and squeeze my hand if you need to get out of there."

You smiled up at him shyly, thankful to have such a caring boyfriend.

"I think that may just work," you replied.


The press conference took place in none other than outside of Wyndon Stadium itself. Where else would reporters like to interview the Champion than outside the place they thrive?

Champion's Heart: Leon x Reader PokemonWhere stories live. Discover now