Chapter Fourteen

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The rest of the day went by uneventfully. You and Leon chatted the rest of the night and fell asleep. You decided that even though you had a crush on Leon, it was better to just continue on as if nothing was different.

The next day, it was finally time for the third part of the Gym Challenge. You were preparing to challenge Motostoke Gym. You were quite excited to walk through the city and get your third badge.

You decided to reach out to Hop, since he had challenged the gym during your rest day. Currently, you were sitting with him in the lobby of the Inn.

"Motostoke Gym is a Fire-type gym," Hop informed you. "Hope you still have your Water-type Pokemon!"

"I do," you replied, looking down at your Poke-ball, which contained Chinchou. It didn't have much battle experience, but it definitely stood a good chance against a Fire-type gym.

Soon, it was time for you to head to Motostoke Gym. This time, Hop was escorting you to the Gym. You found out that Leon would be overseeing the match, which made you very excited. You wanted to impress him with your skills as a Pokemon trainer.

"So, what's your game plan?" Hop asked, curious.

"First, I'm going to use Chinchou, since they're a Water-type Pokemon along with Electric," you said. "If they faint, then I'm going to send out Thievul, then Manectric and Mega Evolve."

Hop nodded, following along. "Are you going to be okay to Mega Evolve?"

"I just won't use it for very long," you replied. "I have to work up my tolerance."

"You talk about Mega Evolution like it's alcohol," Hop laughed.

"It's kind of like a drug, in a way," you replied. Hop raised an eyebrow at you questioningly. "You feel so much power and invincibility. It's pretty intoxicating."

"That actually makes a lot of sense," Hop concluded. "I wonder if one day I will be able to achieve Mega Evolution."

"None of your Pokemon have a compatible stone," you replied.

Hop whined. "What if I catch one that can?"

"That's on you," you teased.

You had made your way to the Gym finally. You stared at it confidently, not doubting your abilities for a second. You gave yourself a run-over of your strategy, contemplating if Mega Evolution or Dynamaxing would be more useful. Gym Leader Kabu would definitely Dynamax one of his Pokemon, but Mega Evolution would probably be enough to counter it.

You registered at the front desk, and thankfully, the next slot open was five minutes later. It was a less busy day since most challengers got their challenge out of the way earlier in the week. Tomorrow definitely would be the busiest day of all other than the starting day, though.

You headed to the locker room and changed into the water uniform given to you as a prize from the last gym. You loved the color blue, and it was kind of a threat towards the gym since it symbolized the type of Pokemon that was incredibly strong against Fire. The number '06 shone proudly on your uniform.

"Challenger (y/n), it's your time," the receptionist said over an intercom.

You smirked, prepared for your challenge. You slung your backpack over your shoulder and headed back out into the lobby. Hop had disappeared to go watch the battle in the stands. The doors to the gym opened for you to enter. You locked eyes with a man who looked strong and confident, and without hesitation you concluded this was Kabu. He gestured you to walk forward with him.

This was unique. The Gym Leader was going to walk with the Challenger. You stood side-by-side with him. As you prepared for him to start advancing, you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, growing nervous. Kabu definitely looked very intimidating.

Champion's Heart: Leon x Reader PokemonWhere stories live. Discover now