*Valentine's Day One-Shot*

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Just a quick note, this chapter has NOTHING to do with the main story. It doesn't take part in the universe of the story and is just a fun one-shot as if you were in a relationship with Leon.

Today was an exciting day for you. Valentine's Day! A whole day you can spend with Leon that is dedicated just to love. And boy, did you love him.

You and Leon have been dating for half a year now. Every day with him was a new adventure that you hoped would never end. The Champion definitely won your heart through his loving personality.

Currently, you were waiting for Leon to come to your house. While many couples are out on romantic dinners, you and Leon both agreed watching movies in bed was much better. You had prepared warm, baked cookies and hot chocolate to enjoy while you both watched horror movies.

Yes, horror. As edgy as it sounds, watching horror movies on Valentine's Day was something spectacular. While watching the movies, especially during scary scenes, you had an excuse to cuddle up with Leon. Your plan was to act terrified so he would wrap his arms around you in an attempt to make you feel safe. You hoped your plan would work, as you haven't cuddled Leon yet during your relationship.

You decorated your bed with red and pink pillows, along with a soft quilt blanket to match. Soon enough, somebody knocked on the door and you skipped down the hall. You opened the door to see Leon, dressed in his normal attire and holding a bouquet of roses and fluffy, snow-white teddy bear. You clasped your hand over your mouth happily.

"Happy Valentine's Day, my love!" Leon exclaimed happily. "Sorry if my gifts are cliche, but these roses reminded me of how radiant you are, so I had to get them for you."

You took the roses and smelled them blissfully. "Thank you so much! I baked cookies for you."

Leon cheered, as he always loved your baked goods. You let Leon come inside and let him go off into your room while you found a vase to put your new roses into. You eventually followed Leon and went into your bedroom.

Leon was sitting on the bed, scrolling through his phone. He had taken off his hat and cape and set them at the foot of the bed. You decided to sneak behind Leon to scare him as punishment for not noticing your entry.

You crept around the bed quietly. You hoisted yourself onto the bed and crawled behind Leon. Before he noticed, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him back, sprawling you both onto the bed. Leon let out a startled yelp and fell on top of you. He quickly steadied himself.

You blushed as you realized the pose you and Leon were in right now. His face was bright red and he quickly threw himself off to the side.

"I-I'm sorry! You really got me there, (y/n)," Leon said, chuckling.

"That's what you get for ignoring me," you replied, laughing.

Leon rolled his eyes. "Anyway, what movie are we watching tonight?"

"(your favorite horror movie)," you replied.

Leon grinned excitedly. He laid back into the pile of pillows you created before his arrival and you found the disc to the movie. You pressed play and laid next to Leon, turning off the lights.

As expected, the movie really freaked you out. However, what you didn't expect, Leon was terrified, too. You felt him shaking next to you. He was hiding under the blanket. You offered him cookies, but he was shaking too much to eat them.

You decided you needed to comfort him. During one of the especially scary parts, you rolled over to him and wrapped your arms around him. You slowly stroked his long purple hair soothingly. Leon instantly relaxed and let out a deep breath. You smiled as you thought about how adorable he was. Even though this was not the way you imagined this night to go, you wouldn't trade it for the world.

The movie soon ended, leaving just the credits lighting up the room. You felt very tired. Leon snored softly in your arms. You decided you would let him stay the night. Just as you were drifting off to sleep, Leon turned and wrapped his arms around you like a pillow. You shifted and made yourself comfortable, before falling asleep yourself.

This was definitely the best Valentine's Day you've ever had.

I know, it's short, but sweet. Hope you enjoyed this little short! The next chapter is going to come out within the next couple days as scheduled.

Thank you for the read and don't forget to vote!

Champion's Heart: Leon x Reader PokemonWhere stories live. Discover now