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For something that use to be so lucrative, it was surprising how much easier it was to find. In the direction of the clouds, was a long winding road, that spiraled almost infinitely, until it reached the top of the skies. From there you could drive onto the clouds, and visit the array of business that had been constructed upon them. This really was a tourist attraction now. 

Eunji had no trouble driving up the road, and parking in the somewhat empty car park. She was meant to be there anyway, so no one questioned her appearance.

"I really need to go to the governor, does everyone know what they're doing?" Eunji asked, peering around at the multiple nods she received. "Good, stay safe everyone." With that, Eunji left the car, rushing straight into the grand library. Of course she was worried that things would go wrong, all she cared about was Chanhee's safety. Yet, after speaking to Mama Kim whilst Chanhee way away, she realized that everything they do today, would be worth the risk, as long as Chanhee could have the happy life he deserved. 

The rest of the creatures climbed out of the car, gathering at the front of the vehicle. "We're here." Sangyeon said, hurriedly joining the group, alongside Changmin. 

"Okay great, I just want to say a few things, but I'll make it fast since we don't have much time."

Today was going to be a big deal, as they were either going to change the world, or get themselves killed. Chanhee wanted to reassure the group, and let them know how much they meant to him, considering they were all apart of this, because of him. 

"I know that things have been rocky over these past few months, and we've all been through a pretty rough time. But I'm grateful to all of you, for sticking by me, and agreeing to help me today. If we succeed, we'll be able to improve the lives of countless people, so if I can ask of you one thing, it would be to not think of yourselves, or me, but to think about the importance of why we're doing this overall."

"Nice speech, now can we get this over with." Hyunjae groaned, rolling his eyes. 

Slapping the demons arm, Kevin scowled at the boy. "Seriously, you just ruined the moment."

"Yeah whatever Kevin." 

The group immediately split into two, with Juyeon and Hyunjae heading towards the broadcasting van. The bright blue vehicle was parked towards the front of the car park, and was seemingly empty. The two demons inspected the van, first pulling at the back doors, which were locked, then peering into the front windows.

"Hyunjae, the walkie talkies on the passengers seat."

The shifters eyes flickered to the seat closest to him, that indeed had the piece of equipment laying on it. Grabbing the handle, unsurprisingly the door was locked. It was expected, so Hyunjae pulled off his hoodie, wrapping the cloth around his fist. With one strong punch the glass shattered, and luckily didn't set off any alarm.

"Got it." Hyunjae said, pulling out the walkie talkie. Lifting the speaker up to his mouth, he wasted no time, getting on with the plan. "Attention all camera crew, please report to the van, there's been an emergency." 

"Do you really think that'll work?"

"Wait a minute, and we'll find out." 


The other six creatures split into groups of three, with Chanhee, Younghoon and Kevin, scattering to the side of the building. The remaining angels, strolled towards the guards, ready for their part of the plan. As they approached, they noticed 5 men running out of the building, they looked like crew of some sort, but the angels ignored this. 

The security guards were quite intimidating, standing tall, with stern expressions. Some were even holding guns. They weren't the most approachable people, yet, the trio had to commit, no matter how scary it was.

"You're not meant to be here." One guard boomed.

Sangyeon gulped, not expecting such a formidable tone of voice to escape the man. Straightening himself up, the angel bucked up all of his courage, replying, "Well how do you know that?" 

"No ID tag, no entry. Now get out of my sight."

Changmin and Jacob glanced at each other nervously, not really sure how to continue. All they had to do was distract the guards for a little while, but this was proving more difficult than they thought.

"Excuse me sir! Do you know who I am?!" Sangyeon raised his voice, deciding to kick this up a notch. "I'm Lee Sangyeon, currently, the governors future son in law. I don't need an ID tag, I'm more powerful than all of you combined!" 

The guard rolled his head back, not feeling like he was paid enough to deal with this crap. "Listen, I don't care who you are. I'm under strict instruction, no ID tag, no entry. Plus even If I could let you in, your friends can't come as well." 

Changmin felt a rush of adrenaline pump through his body, as he stepped up to the guard. "Well I'm Ji Changmin, son of Pure Sky's Minister of Justice, and that's Jacob Bae, his mother runs the treasury. We're not just tagging along, we're as high value as Sangyeon, so we deserve respect." 

"I'll say this for the last time, no ID tag, no entry. I only take orders from the governor, not any of you." The guard stated.

"I will literally have you fired, and you're whole family exiled from Pure Sky. Trust me when I say that I'll destroy every ounce of your existence, you don't want to mess with me. Oh, you only take orders from the governor, well when he finds out you denied us entry, he'll be just as livid as I am. Get ready, because there's a storm coming..."

Sangyeon's rambles, caused a perfect distraction. Chanhee, Kevin, and Younghoon, were able to sneak past the guards, slipping into the entrance of the building. Picking up their pace, Chanhee led them to the library. He could remember the path like it was yesterday, having no problem finding their desired destination in a matter of minutes. 


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