The Phase

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             The next morning s soon as I woke up I jumped over the river. It seemed logical, the wolf hadn't followed me over yesterday, maybe he wouldn't come over here today. I ignored the smell as best I could even though it was burning my nose and made my way in a big circle eventually jumping back over the creek and into a clearing. 

As soon as I set foot into the clearing the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Something wasn't right. I cautiously took a few steps forward when a figure appeared a little more than 30 feet infront of me out of no where. I stepped back surprised and the figure stood there watching me.

It took a few steps forward and I realized it was a person. He had black hair but very pale skin, it didn't make sense, Normal people don't have complexions like that and that didn't explain the burning smell. I sneezed and he tilted his head a smirked.

"Hello there pup. How curious, your kind is normally with a pack. Or at least with one other. Why are you alone my dear?" I tilted my head confused and he just laughed. I didn't understand what was so funny. I blinked and suddenly he was 10 feet infront of me. I let out a surprised yelp and stumbled back a few steps.

Then I saw it, his eyes, they were blood red. I didn't know what he was but something was telling me it wasn't good. I stood up straight and growled and a amused look came on his face onky angering me. 

"You won't do anything to me pup. I could kill you in a second."

Suddenly he took a step towards me and stroked my fur like he was mocking me. The alarms in my head went off and something inside me snapped. I spun my head around latching my teeth onto his wrist and before he could move I angrily shook my head. 

I grinding sound appeared hurting my ears but then I heard the man scream. I looked over and realized his arm was missing. I had torn off his ARM. 

"You little-"

I dropped his arm and started to run but he tripped me and by the time I had jumped up his arm was somehow reattached to his body. He made his way towards me when suddenly a wolf came bounding out of the woods and lunged at him sending him flying. I looked at the wolf and realized it was the black wolf from the other day. 

The wolf nodded to me and I returned the gesture before sprinting towards the figure. I lunged at him knocking him to the ground and pinning him down. As I was about to rip his head off I heard a howl and turned my head along with the man and saw at least 6 other wolves emerge from the woods. 

'What the?'

Suddenly the vampire was out from under me and had thrown me into the air. It had happened in slow motion. As I was in the air I saw the other wolves running towards me but it was two late I hit the ground and before I could move the man had wrapped his arms around me like a hug but then he crushed me.

I could feel the bones breaking and yelped out in pain but it sounded more like a strangled cry. A brown wolf ran over and knocked the man away from me and as the other wolves went at the thing I stood, up almost fainting from the pain. I tried as hard as I could and finally made it into the safety of the forest.

'Phase back. Phase back! Come on dang it! Phase!'

I screamed at myself in my head until finally I was back in my human form for the first time in almost a year. Completely ignoring the pain I quickly threw on the clothes I had alway kept tied to my leg just in case. When I had finished dressing myself I had made the mistake of looking at myself and saw my completely crumpled right side and all the pain came searing back.

I couldn't take it anymore and as I fell to the ground I could barely make out the shape of wolves coming towards me.

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