"And that was enough for him"

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At the Cullens house. Two days later.

3rd Person POV

Edward smiled as a grin spread across his daughters face when she hit the correct note on the piano. "That was good Ness." Bella told her daughter softly while the rest of the Cullens lounged around peacefully. As if nothing had happened two days prior to the wolf girl that connected the two wolf packs. 

Alice then walked in the room, a vase of flowers in her hands while her heels clicked against the floor. "She's really catching on to-" Alice started when suddenly she froze, dropping the vase and not moving as it shattered on the ground. Edward froze as well and in a second Jasper was at his mates side. 

"Alice? What do you see?" Jasper asked softly while a horrified look came on Edwards face. 

"Their coming for us." Alice whispered, though everyone heard it. 

"The wolf packs? Is Wren not going to wake up?" Emmet appeared suddenly. He was the only one who seemed truly bothered by Wrens injuries. He wouldn't hunt, wouldn't interact with his family, he would hardly even speak to Rosalie. He felt horrible for nearly killing his best friend and he felt even worse that now he might've thrown his family into a war with the wolves. This was strange for the burly vampire. To him, everything was fun, a joke. That is, unless his family was in true danger. And now they might be, all because of him. 

"No." Alice whispered. "Not them." 

"The Vulturi." Edward said flatly. Everyone stood up at once, all alert and ready. 

"Why?" Carlisle asked.

"Irena. She told the Vulturi we committed the ultimate crime. She thinks Renesmee is a immortal child." Alice informed them, now out of her frozen state.

"Renesmee is nothing like those children!" Bell said, obviously distressed as she went over and hugged her child close. "She was born, not bitten. She grows every single day!"

"They don't know that Bella." Edward tried to calm his mate. "That day, when you, Seth, and Ness were catching snowflakes. Irena was there. She saw, she thinks Renesmee's a immortal child and went to tell the Vulturi." 

"Why don't we just try and explain it to them?" Bella asked, searching for any reason to save her family. 

Edward sighed and shook his head. "Aro has enough proof in Irenas thoughts." 

"So we fight." Emmet said, eager to fight something after what had happened to Wren. It didn't make sense, but somewhere, deep in him, he felt that if he could fight someone, win against something, it could make him feel better.

"No." Jasper said sharply. "Their offensive weapons are to powerful. No one can stand against Jane." 

"Her brother Alec is even worse." Alice added.

"Well then we convince them!" 

"Their comin to kill us. Not to talk." Emmet said bitterly only to be cut off by Edward.

"No- your right. They won't listen to us. But maybe others can convince them." He said hopefully and turned towards Carlisle. "Carlisle you have friends all over the world."

"I won't ask them to fight."

"Not fight, witness. If enough people knew the truth, maybe we could convince the Vulturi to listen." Esme nodded and placed a hand on her husbands arm.

"We can ask this of our friends." She said softly. Carlisle only nodded and took her hand. 

"When will they be here?" Carlisle asked Alice.

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