Protect them

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Everything seemed to move much faster now. By the time Jacob had straightened me up and started to yell at Edward, Edward was already yelling about calling Carlisle and running upstairs with a deathly pale Bella in his arms. "What's going on!" I yelled as everything started to go into chaos. Alice had her hands on Jaspers cheeks, making him look at her while mumbling something even I couldn't hear under her breath and Rosalie had darted upstairs after the others while Emmet rushed towards me, holding me still while Jacob sprinted upstairs after Rose.

"Bella's spine is broken, the baby is coming now and Edward and Jacob are going to try and deliver it." Emmet told me while Seth ran inside, looking worried.

"I'm going to go help." I told Emmet before trying to get away from him, only to be held in place. 

"No- let them handle it Edward could snap if you get in his way." Emmet said, the normal playful tone in his voice gone. 

"Guys-" Seth started but I just struggled against Emmet again. 

"Let me go Emmet." I growled lowly and the big vampire just shook his head. "I said let me go!" I snarled this time before ducking down and throwing him off me as a sudden burst of strength ran through me. 

"Sam's pack is coming!" Seth yelled, jumping in front of me before I could go towards the stairs. "Leah saw them while she was on patrol, they're coming for Bella." The three vampires turned back towards us, all looking stunned. 

"Ok, I'll hold them off." 'Your not going to be able to fight them.' My subconscious told me but I shook my head. 'Hopefully I won't have to.' "Seth, you stay in here just in case." He opened his mouth to reject but I interrupted him. "Please. I can't have them thinking we're going to attack. I'll be ok." Seth nodded and I gave him a tight hug. I have to protect him. I have to protect Jacob. Even if it meant fighting my family. 

I ran outside, heading straight towards the tree line until I was a few meters away and watched as a pitch black wolf emerged from the trees, flanked by my brothers and some other wolves I didn't recognize. "Sam." I nodded my head in greeting, earning a slight nod in return. 'Don't hate me. Please, please don't hate me.'  I couldn't live with myself if I lost the pack, lost my only family. I looked around at the group, a few looking at me looking slightly confused. The new ones.

My eyes finally landed on Caleb, when I left he had just recently phased and the full color of his coat hadn't faded in yet. I was slightly surprised how it had turned out, it was different than most. His legs were a dusty color until they faded into his middle where his fur became a beautiful silver color. 'Just like mine.' I smiled to myself, at least now the pack would have something to remember me by, my cousin and my rare coat color.

"The packs grown." I focused back on Sam. "You could've told me when I was home earlier." They must've phased while I was off living in the forest and I just never knew about them. 

'Please let me talk to her Sam, just for a second.' I heard Caleb's voice in my head and jumped slightly, squeaking in surprise. 

'No Caleb, we don't know where the vampires are. Just wait a minute.' Sam told him harshly before turning to focus on my now very confused face.

"Y-you can talk to me Caleb." I muttered as I recovered from the shock. 

'She can hear us? How? She's not even in her wolf form!" A voice I didn't recognize wrung through my head, making me flinch. 

"Stop yelling." I told him before turning back to Sam. "What's going on? I left your pack. I didn't want to but I did, how can I hear you?" 

'I've heard of this, only once." Sam told me carefully. 'Years ago, before my time, one of our ancestors left his pack to join another even though his family was in his original, he did it to protect those he loved, for that was the only way he could see his imprint who was in a different tribe. Although he left, his bond with his original brothers was so strong that he still had a link to them in his mind, half of him was still apart of his other pack.' 

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