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When we got back I went to the back of the house to shift and quickly get to my room before the others saw me. I had ripped my clothes when I shifted and didn't have any tied to my ankle. I discovered halfway through my walk that the scent on that sweatshirt belonged to Paul and I knew he wouldn't be to happy when he figured out I destroyed it.

I threw on a black tank top and shorts before putting a hoodie and ripped jeans on over top of it before going out to the living room. On the way back the boys had decided to go cliff diving because the surf wasn't too rough and I agreed because last time I hadn't gotten the chance. When I stepped into the living room I was immediately pulled into a tight hug by Jacob. 

"Where were you? We thought you got kidnapped or something." I laughed and escaped his tight grip but didn't push him away when he grabbed my hand. 

"I was walking. By the way you snore really loud Paul incase you weren't aware." Paul rolled his eyes but had a smile on his face as he came over and ruffled my hair. I shoved his hand off and pushed him and he pushed me right back. "Would you quit doing that you mess up my hair!" 

I tried to sound angry but failed miserably and he ruffled my hair again and I jumped on his back useing my hands to mess up his own hair. The others laughed as me and Paul started to wrestle, knocking each other around and throwing insults at each other. "Hey not in my house! Get out of here! Go!" 

We all laughed and ran out as Emily came into the living room yelling at us and waving a spoon around in the air. We raced towards Sam who was waiting in the drivers seat in the truck and piled in. I tried to get in the front with Sam but was grabbed by the waist and lifted into the air with ease by Jared who climbed in followed by Quil.

"Too slow princess!" Jared yelled out the window as Quill laughed. 

"Hey stop trying to pick off my nickname!" Paul yelled in response causing everyone to laugh as I climbed into the bed of the truck with Paul and Jacob. I stood up in the bed and knocked on the roof of the truck.

"Let's go Sam!"

"Hold on we're  waiting on someone." He yelled back out the window. "And don't hit my truck!" I knocked on the roof again before looking down at the two boys who were seated on either side of me. 

"Who else is there? I swear Black if you invited that leech lover-" 

"Hey guys I'm coming! Sorry I was late Leah didn't want to come." I turned my head to see a younger boy running towards the truck. He was about 5'10 which was a few  inches taller than me but shorter than the others. He jumped into the back of the truck and sat next to Paul with a grin on his face. 

"Your mommy let you come finally?" Paul asked in a teasing voice. 

"Oh shut up." The boy responded elbowing him in the ribs. "Who's that?" He asked motioning to me. 

"That's Wren, she joined about a week ago you just haven't gotten to meet her. She annoying, stubborn, ugly as you can see," Paul started to make a list on his fingers and Jake burst out laughing along with Seth as I kicked him in the knee.

"She's Jakes girlfriend!" Quill shouted out the window and I turned and hit his head with my hand as he cried out making the others laugh harder.

"I am not his girlfriend! Besides at least he has a imprint unlike some people." Quill looked back at me with a fake hurt expression on his face and I just stuck my toung out at him and turned back to the teenager. "I'm Wren, The best out of all of these weirdos."

The boy smiled and Jake spoke up. "Wren this is Seth Clearwater. He shifted a few days ago you just haven't met him yet. His sister also shifted but she doesn't like us very much." I started to say something when Sam decided it was a good time to start driving and I fell backwards landing on Jacobs legs.

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