Bella Swan

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Jacobs POV

As soon as we got to Emily's she took one look at all of us before letting Carlisle in. We all phased back and went in after the doctor. Emily led him to Wrens room and he gently set her down on her bed before turning to us. "I have to do surgery or else she will heal to fast and it will cause damage to her lungs." 

Sam nodded but didn't look happy about it, he turned and walked out and the others followed. I didn't move, I couldn't take my eyes off Wren. She had started to breath again but she was taking shallow, uneven breaths. "Jacob go, she's going to be in a lot of pain and you don't need to see this." Carlisle spoke to me and I snapped my eyes to his face before responding, my voice sounding like a growl.

"If you do anything to kill her I will personally kill you, don't try anything or I swear-"

"Jacob!" I turned to see Sam standing at the doorway and he walked in and pulled me out by my shoulder. "He's going to help her she'll be ok."

"I thought you said she was asleep." Tears we're coming to my eyes but I didn't care.

"I though she was, I'm sorry Jake I should've checked again." I just shoved past him and sprinted out of the house, shifting as soon as I hit the grass. I felt Embry and Quil shift too as they ran after me.

"Jake wait up!"

"Yay come on man! She'll be ok."

I just kept running but my two best friends didn't leave me. Finally after about an hour I stopped and they came over to me. "She'll be ok Jake, you saw how quick she healed the first time we found her." Embry spoke up breaking the silence.

"I can't loose her, I'm going to kill that blood sucking leech." I snarled as the image of Wrens injured figure popped into my head again. My two friends winced as they caught a glimpse of my thought. We sat in silence for a while before hearing Paul.

"Guys Carlisle finished, we're aloud to see her now but she's still out." I jumped up and sprinted towards the house going much faster than I was on the way here. I made it back in what must've been record time. I shifted as soon as I got back and went straight to her room.

When I got in there I could see her small figure curled up in a blanket and everyone else was gathered in her room. I made my way over to her bed and kneeled next to her head, wiping some hair from her face. Her eyes fluttered open barely as a small smile came on her face.


Wrens POV

"Hi Jake" My voice was barely a whisper but I could tell he heard me because he immediately sat on my bed and pulled me into his arms.

"I'm so glad your ok, you have to stop doing that." I let out a small laugh but even that hurt my chest.

"Sorry, what exactly happened anyway?" He explained to me what had happened, and about vampires. As he explained the blood sucking monsters I couldn't help but feel angry. So they were the reason for all of this? When Jacob was finished explaining I realized he had a few tears running down his face and I reached my hand up and wiped them away.

"I'm ok now, thanks for saving me again guys." The others walked over and took there turns hugging me. Emily came in a shooed them out telling them I needed rest. They all knew I would be much better by morning anyway but obeyed the woman. Before Jacob stood up to leave I reached out and grabbed his hand.


"Yay what's wrong? Do you need something?" I hesitated but decided to ask him.

"Can you stay with me? Just for tonight? I don't want to be alone." He smiled but nodded and crawled into my bed and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his warm body. He rested his head on my shoulder and we sat in silence before he whispered.

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