I love you to the moon and back

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I don't know how long I was out, I just knew that when I started to be aware that I was still alive I had a massive headache and that I wasn't immediately in the best mood. As I tried to will my body to move it wasn't cooperating and that was when I became aware that someone was holding my hand. I was also aware of the smell of muffins coming from somewhere nearby and how hungry I was.

Finally after what seemed like years of struggling I got my fingers to move and immediately afterward I felt someone squeeze my hand. "Wren? Can you hear me?" It was a male voice, I could tell that, but the ringing in my ears was making it really hard to decipher its owner. Finally my eyelids fluttered open but I immediately squeezed them shut again to his them from the beam of sunlight streaming in the window. 

"Come on wake up. Please." I definitely knew that voice. I finally opened my eyes to little slits a barely turned my head only to see the last person I wanted to see. "Wren! I'm so glad your ok, you've been out for so long and-" Before he could finish his sentence I had wrenched my hand from his grip and sat up and threw my pillow at him. 

"Jacob Black you do not get to speak to me! You really think me being out for a few hours will make me forget what you did? I can't believe I trusted you! If anything I want to see Seth! Or Embry or Paul or heck I would even rather see Jared's butt ugly face before yours! You are a sick mutt you know that?" I all but screamed at him. I was fuming and could feel tears prickling in my eyes but I blinked them away. No way was I going to let him see me cry now.

"Listen Wren I'm sorry I just had to.." He stuttered out but I cut him off again.

"No! I don't want to hear whatever sad excuse you've come up with! You do this all the time! Things like this can't be fixed in a day Black!" Suddenly a sharp pain went through my skull as I reached up and gripped my head. 

"Woah you ok?" He reached forward to touch my arm but I flinched away. A flash of hurt when across his face but I didn't care. "Wait Wren, how long do you think you've been out for?" 

"I don't know like twelve hours, maybe a day at most." A look of shock was frozen on his face and that set me on edge. "Jacob? What aren't you telling me?"

"Wren you've been in a Coma for six days. You had a severe head injury that not even a shifter should've been able to survive. Plus the pain you should've felt when I was crushed." I froze in my place. Six days? How had I been out for six days? Was Seth ok? I blacked out during the fight he could've gotten hurt. I don't know how long I sat there until Jacobs hand waving infront of my face snapped me back into my senses.

"You ok?" Obviously not idiot. You just told me I was in a coma! Of course I'm not fine. I just nodded. I swung my legs off the bed and went to stand up but immediately got dizzy and started to fall again but Jacob caught me. 

"Keep your hands off me." I shoved him off and steadied myself before walking towards the door. I had realized that I was in my room and the smell of muffins was making me hungry. 

"Wren listen please," 

"No Jacob. You can't do that to someone. Not In the human world, not in the supernatural world. And incase you were wondering, I felt you being crushed but kept fighting through the pain because I knew that's what you would've wanted me to do. I protected Seth because that's what we do, we protect our family. At least I protect my family. Pain isn't always something you can see Black. Think about that before you go messing with someone else's heart." 

I walked out the door leaving him speechless. When I got into the kitchen nobody was facing the way I came in, Instead they all had their chairs facing the TV in the middle of the living room with muffins in hand as they watched a basketball game. I slowly snuck up behind Embry and as one of the teams made a basket and they all threw their hands up in the air to cheer I snatched his muffin out of his hand and took a bite before running out the front door.

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