Kids. Yeesh.

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Renesmee crossed her arms and glared at the wolf man standing infront of her, her red hair fanning out around her face. "Mom said I could have it!" She whined, stomping her foot on the ground. 

"Well, I'm hungry." The wolf jabbed back, a smirk on his face. Renesmee's frown deepened on her beautiful face before at lightning speed, she snatched the cookie out of the wolfs hand and was across the room with the cookie in her mouth, a triumphant smile on her face. "That's not fair." The wolf told her, trying not to laugh. 

Wren watched Jacob and Renesmee from the forests entrance, having a clear view thanks to the windows that were the houses walls. In the two months of Renesmees life, Wren had never spoken to the girl or have been in the same room as her after that day. She couldn't, it was to painful. Whenever Wren looked at the girl all she could think about was that night. The night her cousin died. 

If only she hadn't stopped to meet the baby, if only she had responded to the strange feeling she had immediately instead of interacting with Bella and Edwards daughter. Maybe she could've been faster. Killed the male quicker and get to Caleb and Jared. She was struggling, she would sometimes phase randomly whenever her emotions overwhelmed her which was rare. She was normally so in control of her wolf. Sometimes she would feel ok, come to accept it, but other times realization would crash on her all over again whenever she ran into Sam's house, straight to the spare bedroom in the back of the house with a smile on her face only to find it empty.

She didn't blame the hybrid, it wasn't her fault. She was just a reminder to the night she lost the last person of her blood family, her cousin, her best friend. "You should talk to her." A voice came from behind Wren and she jumped, immediately about to shift before she realized who was behind her. Edward had a sad but understanding look on his face but Wren just glared at him before turning back to watch Jacob. Jake could make her feel better, always, sometimes she just couldn't be with him though. Like right now. 

"I can't." Wren responded, not looking at him.

"Why not?" Edward prodded.

"You know why." Wren snapped at him before sighing and pushing her light brown hair away from her face. "I just can't." 

"She asks about you, she knows your here." Edward continued and he moved to sit on a rock in her line of sight. 

"Why don't you go talk to Bella, I'm sure she would love some alone time with you." Wren and Bella had become decent friends after she came back as a vampire. Wren doubted she would ever be any closer to her than that, she was a vampire and was a horrible person to her back when she was human. Sometimes people change, but it hard to forget. 

Edward chuckled and shook his head. "She's out hunting with Alice, Rose, and Esme. I have no body to bother but you." Wren glared at him. 

"Stop trying to be funny, that's Emmets job." He shrugged and Wren focused back inside to see Seth lifting Renesmee up, a smile on both or their faces. It took him a week, but Seth gave into the imprint bond and accepted Renesmee. She was happy for him, her little brother found his soulmate. Wren would maybe be happier if his soulmate wasn't the reason she had delayed herself from saving her cousin, but it wasn't about her. She was able to push off her likings for him. 

"That's not healthy though." Edward commented, reading the girls thoughts. 

"Yeah, well it doesn't matter. I'm going to see Gray and Dakota. Not that I need your permission or anything. Tell Jacob I'll be back soon." Wren didn't wait for his response before phasing and taking off towards the rez. She felt bad, she hadn't spent much time with Jacob recently due to the fact that she was at the reservation most of the time and it was starting to hurt her and no doubt him too. 

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