It's not your fault

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This chapter is devoted to LunaDunbar123 for being the first person to comment (that isn't my cousin) Thank you! 

Please like and comment if you want :)


All the pain I had been ignoring hit me like a train as my knees buckled and I fell to the ground. I was preparing to feel the cold sand but instead was caught by a pair of warm arms. "Wren? Wren can you hear me?" Jacobs voice rang out very close to my ear and I could barely make it out through the ringing. 

"Jake?" I muttered and gasped again when another round of pain went through me.

"Wren, Seth went to get Sue, she'll help you. I'm so sorry I should've moved you but I didn't." I could feel his body shaking under me as he tried to hold back his own sobs. I reached my hand up, trying to find his face so I could calm him down and I felt his large hand wrap around my own as he pressed it to his cheek.

"I's not your fault, I'm fine." I muttered out as the ringing noise dulled only to come back a few seconds later.

"Don't tell me your fine, your bleeding!" I started to say something to calm him when I let out a whimper as another round of pain came and I felt him flinch. 

"It hurts, it hurts Jake. It won't stop, please make it stop." I felt a stream of hot tears coming down my face but didn't care anymore. I felt like my stomach was burning, like I had been dipped in a raging fire and left to turn to ash.

"I wish I could baby, just breath." I felt him kiss my forehead as a few of his own tears dripped onto my head. I took quick, shallow breaths as my eyes started to close. Maybe it would be easier to give in, let darkness surround me. "Don't close your eyes, please. Keep them open for me ok? Sue is almost here."

I looked up into blurry nothingness as I focused on the warmth of Jacobs hands, one on my forehead and the other holding tightly to my hand. I was vaguely aware of the blurry figures appearing in my line of sight when I felt many pairs of hands lifting me into the air, sending another round of pain through me. 

"You'll be ok Wren but we have to get you to Sues ok?" I heard Sams voice next to my ear and was vaguely aware of moving. After what seemed like a eternity I felt the soft sheets of my bed and as much as I wanted to curl into a ball and wait for the pain to go away, a woman's voice had ordered the boys to hold me down. 

"Nova I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have egged him on like that I was just so angry and-" The panicked sound of my cousins voice was cut short as the voice of my imprint spoke over him. 

"Caleb get out, you might faze, I can feel it. Go outside with Quill and Seth." I felt Caleb's hand release mine and was immediately replaced with Jacobs. "Listen love, Sue has to stitch you up ok? It won't hurt very bad I promise, the medicine will burn though. Just squeeze my hand ok?" He murmured in my ear and I let out a grunt in response as I started to feel the burn of the medicine.

"I'm sorry sweetie it'll be over soon. Embry can you grab me the painkiller from my bag?" I heard Sue's soothing voice but it didn't do anything to help. All I was aware of now was the searing pain going through my body and Jacobs hand in mine as he muttered reassurance into my ear.

I don't know how long it lasted but finally I felt the grips from the boys release me and being gently pulled into the arms of Jacob. We sat there in silence for a few minutes after everyone cleared out as he rubbed my back and I kept my eyes closed as I leaned into him. A quiet sentence from above me broke the silence as Jake spoke up.

"I just got you back and now your hurt again, how does this keep happening to you?" The sentence was barely more than a whisper and I was about to answer when he spoke again and I realized he thought I was sleeping. "I won't ever let anything happen to you again princess, I swear I will never let me or anyone else ever hurt you again."

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