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I sat up and looked around. I was in the Cullens house, I was sure of it. No other house in forks was fancy enough to have windows instead of walls. "Jake? Seth? Where are you guys?" I yelled out for my pack but nobody answered. Then I remembered the recent events, that kids Jack, he cut my side up. I groaned to myself. I was never going to be able to go swimming in a bikini again! I have all these damn 'bear' attack marks now. 

I braced myself before pulling up my shirt slowly, ready to take in the damage and... nothing. There was not a single mark on my body. Not even the old ones from Paul that happened so long ago. "What the hell?" I muttered to myself before climbing off the medical bed I was sitting on. The ground was cold when my bare feet hit it and I wanted to jump back up on the bed but I needed to find everyone. 

How long had I been asleep? Hours? Days? Had they already held a funeral for Bella? Maybe that's why everyone was gone. I started to walk towards the door, hoping to find someone who could tell me what was going on. I almost reached the door when I noticed a crib sitting against the wall. 

I walked towards it slowly, what if it was a demon? Like Sam had thought? But it couldn't be. Seth imprinted on it, Seth was an Angel, he would never imprint on a demon. A small, weak cry suddenly started to come from the crib so I sped up my pace until I was finally looking down at the baby. Well it wasn't really a baby, it looked big enough to sit on its own already.

"Hi sweet heart." I cooed before lifting the baby girl up and setting her in my arms. "You must be Renesmee." She giggled, all her tears gone. I had always had a soft spot for kids. I secretly hoped that one day when me and Jake were older we could have kids tomorrow. But then again I'd have to survive that long first. 

"Come on," I told her, shifting her around so I could carry her better. "Let's go find your daddy and hopefully Jake and Seth." Surprisingly, she seemed to perk up at Seth's name. She was so young yet she already knew who her imprint was. "You'll love Seth." I told her while I started out the door. "He's the sweetest-" Renesmee suddenly burst out screaming as I stepped out the doorway, causing me to almost drop her. 

"Shh, shh, it's ok. Your ok, what's wrong?" I asked even though she couldn't talk. She just screamed louder and suddenly threw herself out of my arms, falling towards the ground and I lunged to grab her but she was gone. Now a four year old was standing a few feet infront of me.

"Renesmee?" I questioned, my heart beating fast. This girl was my little brothers imprint, I couldn't shift now and accidentally hurt her. She just blinked, then was sprinting away. "Wait!" I called before chasing after her. I was running as fast as I could but was losing her quickly. She was just about out of my sight when suddenly I was shoved to the ground by an invisible force, knocking the wind out of me. 

"Don't touch my daughter!" Edward was standing above me now, snarling, his hand around my neck. 

"I-I was just- helping." I choked out but he squeezed harder.

 "Now, now Edward." Came a sweet voice suddenly. "She stole my best friend from me, remember? We should let her watch the show first." 

"Bella?" I was shocked, Bella was dead. She had died giving birth to Renesmee. 

"The one and only mutt." She smirked before motioning someone out of my view to come forward. I gasped when I saw these two vampire I had only seen once before, in a painting in Carlisle's office, one carrying Jake and the other carrying Seth. 

"No!" I yelled but Edward grabbed my throat again, holding me in the air. I tried to phase, to fight them off, to save my friends, but I couldn't do anything. "Let them go!" I tried to sound viscous but instead it came out like I was begging, like a whimper. 

"As you wish." Bella smirked before letting out a demonic sounding laugh and the two vampires snapped my friends necks, letting them drop to the ground as the life left their body's. 

"No!" I screamed before shooting up in my seat, my eyes flying open while I gasped for breath, trying to fight off the vampire who was about to kill me. 

"Wren calm down! It's me!" My eyes focused on Edward infront of me, his arms trying to stop me from thrashing. 

"Don't touch me! Don't touch me!" I screamed at him, tears coming down my cheeks while the door burst open Jacob and Seth running in followed by the Cullens. 

"Wren!" Jake came running to me and I flung myself into his arms, gripping him tight while I tried to make sense of it all. "What happened? What did he do to you?" He asked me, glaring at Edward while he stroked my hair. 

"She had a nightmare." Edward said, sounding shocked. 

"Stay out- of my h-head." I choked out. 

"It was just a dream Baby, your ok." Jacob comforted me and Seth glared at Edward. 

"You were in her head while she was sleeping? What the hell is wrong with you man?" Seth snapped at him, sounding very un-Seth like.

"Seth." Jacob warned. "He's been off since he imprinted on the baby. He's worried about what the others will think and he thinks there's something wrong with him." He whispered to me and I snuck a glance at Seth. He looked stressed and like he hadn't slept in days. 

Jake released me from the hug but I still sat very close to him. I stopped having nightmares a long time ago and this one had really gotten me shaken up. Like a broken record it continued to play over and over in my head. The baby, Bella, My friends dying. Edward, who was now across the room, suddenly let out a snarl, looking straight at me. 

"Would you stop! She's not like that! Neither of them are!" He yelled at me and I just looked at him blankly. 

"Don't yell at her Leech." Jacob growled, wrapping his arms around my waist. 

 Edward ignored Jacob and yelled at me again. "You had a damn dream, that doesn't mean that it's true!" I gently took Jakes arms off me before standing up and walking towards Edward, stareing straight into his gold eyes. 

"I didn't say that they were like that, did I leech?" I growled back. Something had shifted, I felt different suddenly. "And if you would stay out of my damn head you wouldn't jump to conclusions." Now that I was close to Edward I could tell he was in the same state as Seth. More or less.

His eyes were darker, and just like Seth, he looked really worried. A sharp pain stabbed my temple suddenly, causing my hand to immediately reach up and grip my head. "Wren?" Seth called my name and took a step towards me, glaring at Edward as if daring him to touch me.  

"What's wrong?" Jake immediately came towards me, being protective as usual. 

"Nothing, nothing." I muttered. "Just a headache. It's probably the smell getting to me." I reassured them before turning around and walking through the crowd of Vampires, quickly grabbing my jacket that was sitting on the corner of the bed before walking out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Jake was walking quickly behind me as I tossed on my jacket and zipped it up. 

"I'm heading home for a bit. Something in here is messing with my head."

"Ok, I'll come too." Jake nodded and grabbed my hand, pulling me along with him while we made our way through the giant Cullen house. 

"Wait, no." I stopped quickly, making him look back at me. "They'll kill you, you can't." I warned him and tried to let go of him. My nightmare was not going to come true, I wouldn't let it. 

"I have Sams permission to come over and talk to Jack." He really stressed the word talk and I looked at him funny but nodded and continued walking. We were almost to the front door when I stopped again, Jacob behind me this time.

"Uhh, Jake?" I asked, slightly freaking out.


"How long was I out?" My eyes still hadn't moved from where they rested, wide as saucers.

"About two days, why? What's wrong?" I pointed forward and he glanced around my shoulder, looking just as surprised as I felt. 

"Because that baby is huge, and last time I checked, Renesmee was only born two days ago."

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