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 This part will be a few different POVS

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 This part will be a few different POVS

"Find the girl!"

"Who was that?"

"Are we sure the leech is dead?"

"Wait where did she go?"

The Pack was all shouting at each other in the heads all panicked over the wolf girl.

"Split up and find her! That girl isn't dieing on my watch!"

Sam gave the order and the pack obeyed, not that they had much of a choice. They all split up and started searching the woods but they didn't have to go far.

"Guys I found her! Something's wrong!" 

Embrys thought went out to the whole pack and they all went over to him and saw the girl lieing  on the ground.

"Paul, Jared, get back to the Emily's house and tell her to get ready. Everyone else phase back. We have to get her to Emily's."

Jacobs POV

As everyone else was phaseing back to their human forms Jacob didn't move. He couldn't. He just stood there looking at the girl. Something was wrong, why couldn't he move? She needed help but he couldn't provide his assistance. Suddenly Sam glanced at him and opened his mouth to yell at him but noticed him staring at the girl and realized what had happened.

"Jake you stay in Wolf form we're gonna put her on your back ok? Be gentle with her."

Jake snapped out of it at the sound of his name and looked at Sam then the rest of the pack who was watching him. He nodded his head and the boys all walked over and gently lifted the girl onto Jacobs back.

He almost growled in protest when they moved her. What was wrong with him? Why did he feel the need to protect this girl he had never met?

"Ok Jake your good to go. Everyone phase let's go!"

The boys quickly phased back and everyone took off through the woods, Jacob being very careful not to disturb the girl on his back. When they got back to Emily's place she, Paul, and Jared were already there outside waiting and ran over takeing the girl off Jacobs back.

The boys phased back and followed Emily inside as the others laid the girl on the couch. Emily looked over her but didn't seem to concerned. "She's already healing and it looks like the bones are in the right place. She should be ok." 

Emily looked at the pack as she spoke and Jacob let out a sigh of relief. Sam gave him a look before motioning for him to follow him outside. Jacob did as he was told and went outside with Sam.

"What's going on?"

"Jacob it's hard to explain, how do you feel around that girl?"

"Sam I've never met her."

"I know that but honestly, do you feel anything? At all?"

Jacob sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"I don't know I just feel like I need to protect her. I don't want anything to happen to her. What's going on I swear I never met her."

"Calm down Jake, it's called imprinting, it's like a connection you have with someone. It's like, gravity isn't holding you to the ground, she is. You would be anything for her. A brother, a lover, a protector, a friend. It's like soulmates but more."

Jacob stood in silence as he processed this. It was all so much. What if she didn't imprint on him? Then what? A million thoughts were running through his head when Quil came outside.

"Hey guys the girls awake. She healed weirdly fast and uh, she isn't very happy."

The three boys went inside to see the girl looking furious.

Wrens POV

"Where the heck am I?"

"Woah woah calm down! We brought you here because you were hurt. We won't hurt you."

I let out a emotionless laugh and glared at them.

"You? Help me? I haven't been a human for almost a year and suddenly you show up and my life goes to Hell!"

I stormed out the back door and the others followed me and I spun around the oldest boy only a few feet away from me. He looked at me confused before he spoke.

"How'd you know who we were?"

"I know who you are. The black one. Alpha I'm guessing.

Suddenly the memory of your encounter with him comes back to you and you snake at him.

"Your the one who bit me! Dang it your the reason I was in the clearing in the first place! Not only that you broke my ribs!"

I had subconsciously taken a step towards him and I guess the others thought I had gotten to close because two of them came up and grabbed me pulling me back.

"Let go of me!"

"Not a chance" one of them replied. Suddenly I snapped and phased sending them flying away from me.

The oldest boy moved the girl out of the way and looked like he was bout to fight me in his human form just to protect her when another boy I hadn't noticed phased and stepped infront of me. 

Although I was growling at him he just stood there looking at me with a pleading, almost begging look, as I looked at him something in me changed, I felt different. I slowly calmed down and I saw his tail wag a bit like a puppy or something. He came to stand beside me and nudged me with his head motioning towards the woods to phase back.

I nodded and went over and phased but before I walked out of the woods I found some clothes waiting for me at the entrance so I grabbed them and threw them on even though they were big on me.

I came out of the woods and subconsciously started looking for the boy and when my eyes landed on him I could tell he was looking for me too. I cautiously walked towards the group when one of the boys spoke up.

"Wait is that Wren Grow? Didn't she disappear a year ago?"

They all started whispering when I rolled my eyes and spoke up. "Yes I'm Wren, no I'm not dead. Now can someone tell me what's going on? Also who's clothes are these they smell good." A few of the boys burst out laughing and I could see the other boy look down blushing. 

"Their Jacobs. Now as for what's going on"

Sam explained everything to me about the tribes, the phaseing, the pack, and the imprinting. Not gonna lie it was a little overwhelming. When it was over I saw the boy Jacob sitting alone and when I saw him I gave a small smile, immediately feeling better and jogged over to sit by him.

"Hi. I'm Wren. I'm sorry I was hostile or,"

I looked down flustered and embarrassed and he laughed.

"It's ok. I'm Jacob. I think Sam already explained everything to you."

"Yay" I could tell there was something bugging him. I don't know how but I could. "Are you ok?You seem bothered by something.

He ran a hand through his hair before answering. 

"Don't take this the wrong way but, how are you alive?"

I froze not expecting that question and looked at the ground. "Oh sorry you don't have to answer  I get it i'll just go," He stood up to leave but I reached up and grabbed his hand.

"No don't go please." I didn't want to be alone again. I took a deep breath before continuing. "It all started with the fire"

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