One Saved, Another Lost

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"She grows at rapid rates." A voice suddenly informed me from behind I jumped when I saw Carlisle at my side in an instant. "She can already crawl, that's how she got out here." I took a step back as the happy child started to come towards me. 

"I told you Wren, she's not like your nightmares." Edward came over and picked his daughter off the ground, cradling her in his arms. 

"She looks the exact same." I muttered to myself, ignoring the questioning glance Jake sent my way. Renesmee wiggled in Edwards arms, reaching out towards me again. 

"Go on, take her." Alice reassured me and I looked around to see all of the Cullens were now standing in the room watching us. I hesitated for a moment before slowly reaching forward and taking her from Edward. 

"Hi, Renesmee." I whispered and she giggled. "Your a pretty girl, aren't you?" I smiled down at her and she reached her hand up, gently setting it on my face. I gasped when different images danced infront of my vision. Jacob carrying me inside, blood covering my body. A brief glance of myself lying on a hospital bed covered in blood. Jacob and Seth sitting on the couch, Jake with his head in his hands and Seth looking miserable. Leah, at the door asking about me surprisingly. The final image seemed to be coming from somewhere low on the ground as Embry, Caleb, and Paul walked up the Cullens porch to the door. Then it was over. 

"What was that?" I asked, still looking at little Renesmee in my arms. 

"The only memories she has of you and anything related to you. She's done it to all of us. It's her gift." 

"So she's like you?" I asked, looking at everyone. 

"No." Surprisingly it was Seth that spoke. "We can't imprint on Vampires. She's half human. She eats human food and drinks blood." He came over and took Renesmee from me. "Bella had her when she was human so she's not fully a vampire." Oh, yeah, Bella. 

"I'm really sorry. About Bella, I mean." I turned and looked at everyone, including Jacob. I was just starting to like her, we might've even became friends. 

"What are you talking about?" Emmet raised an eyebrow at me, looking just as confused as me. 

"Nobody's told her yet." Rose whispered to him but I could still hear it thanks to my advanced hearing. 

"Told me what?" I looked around at everyone but they were looking at each other. It wasn't like they were keeping something from me, they were just deciding who to tell me. 

"Bella's Alive." I gasped when Alice revealed the news. "Edward turned her before she-" Alice quickly glanced at her brother before continuing, "died."

"So, where is she?" I asked. I still hadn't seen any sign of her. 

"She's still changing. I saw her waking up sometime tomorrow." Alice got a far away look on her face before nodding, confirming what she had seen. Suddenly, it happened again. That feeling, as if something had shifted inside of me. 

"I have to go." I said quickly before heading out of the house and into the back yard where I saw Leah's wolf laying against a tree. "Leah, is anyone around? From Sam's pack?" The big white and gray wolf cocked her head to the side while she listened before shaking her head. 

"Wren what's going on? Are you ok?" Jacob had followed me and Seth was standing on the porch next to Rose with Nessie in his arms. 

"Get back Jacob." I warned him once before lowering to my knees on the ground while a sharp pain burst through my head again. 

"Your in pain." I grunted in response. I couldn't hide the fact that I was from him, he surely felt it. I felt his large hand on my shoulder, trying, but failing, to comfort me. 

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