New book!

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Ok, so, I know my updates have been stupidly slow and while that is partially because of school work it also has to do with another project of mine. A while ago it started to occur to me that this book was coming to an end, as sad as it is, so my mind started to work and I came up with something. Not gonna lie, I totally got hooked on writing it immediately and it's been coming along great. 

The book it titled "Run". It is another Twilight fanfic but is different than this one. So, without further ado, here is the description and first chapter of my new book, "Run"! 

Run. That's all Sky seemed to do now. Ever since her small tribe was attacked by the cold demons her and Jayden had been running. Never had she heard of these cold demons in all of the stories her tribe told but she now knew three things; one, they could kill anyone and anything in an instant. Watching her mother die had confirmed that. Two, they were vicious and indestructible except for one thing, her teeth could take them apart. Three, they could never be trusted. Ever. No matter what.

And she stuck by that, never talking to anyone her age (besides Jayden of course) and only going around the reservation of La Push to do her job and get food. It's not like she could do much else anyway, they didn't have the money to go to school. They were two kids, it was hard.

She hoped that she could forget about everything and move on, she really tried. Everything was going great too until one day after finally being able to go to school a group of Quiliet boys notice the two, but one seems especially interested. Now Sky has to try and accept the fact that not everyone in the works is a monster, and that some people can be good. And although the two are safe for now, they can never. Stop. Running.

Chapter 1, Run

"Sky, Run!"

"Mom?!" I cried out for my mother just as one of the monsters ran towards her, grabbing her by the neck and snapping it. "No!" I screamed and the creature just grinned at me from afar, it's teeth coated in a dark red substance.

In all of the stories my tribe told, none of them spoke of these monsters. These killers, murderers, beasts. "Sky, let's go!" My best friend, Jayden, yelled while he ran by me, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the forest while more of the monsters looked up from the dead people on the ground and at the two of us.

"Get them." One of the snarled, my excellent hearing picking it up, and three of them started to run at us at incredible speeds.

"Shift!" Jayden yelled before releasing my hand, both of us jumping into the air in since, my fiery red hair dancing around my face before I shifted, a beautiful black and white wolf taking my place. Jayden's black and blue tinted wolf raced off and I quickly followed, trying to escape the monsters that were chasing us.


I'm trying!

Panicked, I sped up until I was matching his pace, running far away from our hidden village. All of us could do it at one point, shift into wolves. None of us knew why it had just happened to someone years ago and ever since we would all shift when we came to a certain age.

I was terrified, my village told stories of demons, things that would take you and drag you to hell and creatures that would be able to tear us to shreds even in our wolf form but nothing like these.

We both continued to run, I could here the demons light foot steps running behind me, somehow getting closer despite my incredibly fast speed. Suddenly, the foot steps vanished and out of the corner of my eyes I could see it jumping off a tree and towards Jayden.

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