"A little bit of human left"

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(Two days later)

I looked down at Jake and I's hands intertwined while I tried to remember to breath. The entire pack was waiting at the treaty line where we were supposed to meet the Cullens. I had just recently been made aware that today would've been the day when Jacob was able to kill them if I didn't wake up so that's great. 

As much as I didn't want to be here right now, as much as I wanted to be back at the house with my son and the other imprints, I had to be the visible proof that I was awake and Bella had called the other day saying that there was something we all needed to discuss. 

"It's gonna be ok. We can leave as soon as they see you if you want. The others can fill us in later." Jacob reminded me before placing a kiss on my head and I only nodded before slightly leaning into him. 

"Get ready." Sam told us all lowly. "They're here." Everyone's attention was focused straight ahead as all the Cullens seemed to appear our of nowhere, Renesmee resting on Edwards back. 

"Hello," Carlisle welcomed. "Thank you for accepting our request to meet up."

"What was so important that all of us needed to be here?" Sam asked, not being rude just getting straight to the point. Although some of the younger boys were used to it by now they still struggled not to phase near vampires. 

"We're all glad you have woken up Wren." Carlisle turned his attention towards me while ignoring Sam. I only nodded before my eyes flicked over to Emmet who looked a mix of emotions I couldn't quite figure out. When his eyes met mine though I immediately stiffened and my breath caught in my throat. 

"Come on, we don't need to be here anymore." Jacob whispered to me before glaring at Emmet and starting to lead me away. 

"The Vulturi are coming for us." I pulled my hand from Jakes and turned to face Edward. 

"What? We didn't do anything." I was aware of who the Vulturi by now after I heard of how Bella had ran off to save Edward from them when she was still human. They were like the rulers of all vampires. But why did they want anything with the wolves? 

"Not for you all." Edward clarified when he read my thoughts. "Just us." I almost spoke again but I went quiet when Sam spoke up. He was the main Alpha after all. 

"Why? And why does it have anything to do with us?" 

"They think Renesmee is a immortal child. It is one of the most forbidden laws of our kind." Carlisle told us and I felt Seth stiffen from where he was standing beside Leah. I noticed Jacob reaching out for me but I moved slightly to stand next to Seth and taking his hand in mine before giving it a small squeeze. "They are coming to kill us all."

"But she's not. She's part human." Seth spoke up, obviously distressed at the idea of his imprint being in danger. 

"They don't know that." Edward responded, looking  at his daughter out of the corner of his eye. "Irena went to the Vulturi and Aro looked into her thoughts, that's all the proof they need." 

"So let me get this straight," Paul interjected, "Some vampire rulers think that this mini half leech is one of you so they are coming to kill you, and I'm guessing you want us to help?" Edward only gave a almost indistinguishable nod of his head and Paul scoffed. 

"Careful Paul." I whispered lowly but I knew he heard me because he tried to take a deep breath but seemed to fail. 

"We're not going to fight, just talk. We think if enough people are there to vouch for us then maybe they will reconsider." 

"And if they don't?" Seth asked, sending yet another anxious glance towards Renesmee who oddly enough seemed to be in her own world at the moment. I on the other hand let go of Seth and backed away. I could feel my body trembling.

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