"I won't Forget"

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"So you expect us to believe that you just to happened to go visit your definitely real sister and a bunch of vampires had her? That sounds like a bunch of bullshit." Jacob growled, his fists clenched. Chris shrugged and leaned back in his chair. 

"If you think I wanted to harm Wren in anyway your delusional. They threatened my family, my pack, you of all people should understand it." He motioned to the entire pack that was gathered around in the house but nobody answered. "Listen, my point it, they'll be here in 3 days and they said that if you all don't surrender the Cullens and back down then they will kill Wren." 

"They're using her as blackmail." Sam spoke to no one in particular but he was already leaving out the front door and Jacob stood up, pointing to the door. 

"Get you ass out of here and back to your precious leeches. Tell them we have their message and if they hurt Wren then I'll personally kill them. I hope your proud of yourself." Chris looked like he wanted to argue but Paul didn't let him. 

"Out!" Paul roared. Chris left, left the house and left a completely numb pack. They had just gotten Wren back and now she was gone again. A lot of things had happened but she always pulled through, this time there was little hope that she would.

"We're going to get her, right?" Seth asked, worry laced in his voice. Not counting Jacob, Seth could easily be one of the people who cared most about Wren in the pack, though they would all argue different. 

"No, if we go then they'll kill her." Sam said firmly and everyone expected Jacob to argue but to their surprise he nodded in agreement. 

"We tell the Cullens what's happening and figure something out. We know what they want." 

"But what about Ness?" Seth felt torn, on one hand, Wren was the girl who had been next to him since nearly day one. She was almost more of a sister to him the Leah was, but on the other hand, Renesmee was his imprint. 

"We won't hand them over and we'll keep Ness safe, I promise." Jacob reassured him. "But we have to come up with a plan. I won't let them hurt her." 

"None of us will." Sam agreed.

Wrens POV

The first thing I noticed when I became mentally aware was the heavy feeling I felt on each of my limbs. I cracked my eyes open slightly, looking around out of the slits in between my eyelids only to realize I was in a dark room and completely alone. 

I opened my eyes fully and tried to stretch my limbs but I didn't get far because the sound of metal clanging made me realize I was chained to a wall. That explains the heavy feeling. 

"What the hell?" I mumbled, to myself. Then it all came back. 

Chris had told me that vampires had taken his sister, and that they would only release her if he turned me over. He betrayed me. I started to pull at the chains, checking the wall I was chained to or weak points before tugging again. 

"There's no point, they know how strong we are so they made the chains stronger." I jumped at the sudden soft voice. I thought I was alone. "And don't try to phase, the chains are tight enough so they will break your bones if you do. I know, they did mine. It wasn't fun." The owner of the voice came nearer and they looked oddly familiar, but I knew I had never actually met them.

"Ferra?" She gave me a sad smile and nodded. She looked nearly identical to Chris, only a girl. She was tall and slim like me, but her skin was much darker and her hair was black. Her hair was in a million small braids and ran down to past her elbows. She had deep brows eyes that were full of pain but also guilt. 

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