"It's Perfect"

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"Where is she!" I turned my head to see a strangely panicked yet angry Jacob come crashing through the tree line with a equally panicked Dakota right on his back.

"Don't mess with him guys- he nearly bit me when I told him to calm down." Jacob turned and glared and Dakota and the kid just put his hands in the air before lopeing over to his brother. 

"Is Wren here? What happened to her?"

"Why weren't you with her? She could've died you idiot!" I shot back. Sure, I might've imprinted on his sister but because of that I know what it feels like whenever you lose track of your imprint or something might've happened to them. 

"It's a long story that I don't have time to explain right now, okay? I'm obviously aware she was hurt, why do you think I'm here?" He growled at me and I growled right back. Damn, the guy finally got some guts in him. Nobody normally goes against me. 

"Stop, both of you!" Sam yelled, making us both back down. "She's in the house Jacob." Jacob immediately turned and started towards the back door. It was obvious he was trying not to run. 

Jacobs POV

I started to call out for her but was shushed before I could even open my mouth. "Hi Jacob. Be quiet ok? They're asleep." Emily walked into the living room, drying her hands on a towel before grabbing an empty plate on the coffee table and walking back into the kitchen. "Oh, and it's good to see you again. Everyone misses you guys." I tried to smile and nodded to Emily. What did she mean 'They'?  I started to walk back to where Wrens room was but I didn't have to take more than two steps when I saw her. 

She was covered with a blanket and curled up on the couch asleep, and thankfully seemed to be sleeping peacefully. I walked over and crouched infront of her sleeping face, moving some hair away from her face when I saw a small hand resting on the pillow beside her face. I moved more of her hair and realized that there was a small boy laying with her, also asleep while he laid wrapped in my imprints arms and almost hidden by the blanket and her long, light hair. 

"Wren? Wren, wake up." I whispered, resting my hand on her own colder cheek. I started to call out to her again when I felt her hand on my own, a small smile on her face. 

"Hi Jake." Ok. So she didn't seem to be upset with me.

"God, I'm so glad your ok." I leaned over and kissed her forehead, not moving away for a long moment while she sat with her eyes still closed. 

"I'm sorry." She whispered, her voice raspy like she had been crying. 

"No, no. You don't have to be sorry for anything." She shook her head and squeezed my hand tightly.

"No, I was so selfish. I stayed away because of Renesmee and I didn't come back even though I knew I might be hurting you. I was so determined to avenge Caleb that I almost died again, I didn't even think to tell you or the pack. The twins could've gotten hurt and I could've put you through so much." I could tell she was starting to get upset again and before I could even think I gently picked the kid up from where he was sleeping and moved him to another couch without waking him. I went over to Wren and sat down on the couch, immediately pulling her into my arms. 

"This isn't just your fault.  I should've taken care of you. How about were both to blame for this, ok? Now, you want to tell me why you have this kid?" I hugged her to my chest and she nodded. 

"The leech didn't get to him. He was hidden. I couldn't just leave him there Jake." I nodded, thinking. So now what? She had this kid, what does she want to do with him? 

"So now what? What are we going to do with him?" Wren looked up at me and her eyes seemed to soften.

"We? Your not mad?" I shook my head.

"Mad? Why would I be mad at you? Wren, you saved him. I should be mad at myself for not realizing you were gone earlier. So, now what?" I repeated my question and she shrugged.

"I don't know, Jake. I've always wanted kids, but I'm young you know? Plus, what about you? I couldn't do that to you." I smiled, she had never told me she wanted kids but I've seen her with them. How her eyes light up, how gentle she is. Even more gentle then when she's trying to reassure Seth or one of the younger members of the pack. 

"I know you do. And in all honesty, I want them too. And if you love this kid, I'll be with you no matter what you choose." Wren grinned at me before looking over to the sleeping blond boy. Then it hit me, how much I needed her and wanted to see her happy. How much I wanted to be with her no matter what. 

"Thank you Jacob." I leaned down and kissed her. It was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders when I did. I missed her so much, I missed this so much. When we pulled away the smile on her face made me smile too. Someone clapping made us both look over and Wren laughed when she saw the little boy clapping his hands. As much as I hated for her to move, it made me smile when she got up and walked over to him, lifting him into the air while he giggled. 

"So, what's his name?" Wrens eyes turned to me before looking back at the boy. 

"River. Brady suggested it and it made sense. It's where I found him, by the trail near the river." River smiled and placed his small hands on Wrens cheeks. I could see it, our future together. It wasn't just me and Wren anymore, he was there. River with his cake and the two of us laughing when he got icing on his face, River seeing us in our wolf forms for the first time and instead of getting scared he would run towards us, a grin on his little face. River going off to school when he was older with me and Wren watching him leave, smiles on our own faces and Wren with tears in her eyes.

"It's perfect." 

Sorry for the short chapter but I just felt like this was the perfect place to end the chapter. And of you don't like the name River then I apologize but I have my reasons for using it and I personally love the name.

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