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I've decided to change the main characters name to Wren. I will go through the other chapters and fix it but I have changed it and if you don't like it then I apologize.


I was walking along the shore in La Push when I felt a large pair of arms wrap around my waist, lifting me into the air. Immediately my self defense instinct kicked in and I reared back kicking my kidnapper where the sun don't shine and I heard a yell in pain as I was released and heard a thump behind me.

I spun around backing up a few steps when I saw my 'kidnapper' rolling on the ground in pain. "Oh my gosh Seth! I am so sorry!" I ran over and helped the poor fifteen year old off the ground as he waved me off.

"It's ok.. dang Wren you kick hard." 

"I thought you were a kidnapper or something! Don't do that!" He rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Really Wren? A kidnapper in La Push? Yeah not gonna happen." 

"You never know" I mumbled as I glared at the laughing boy. "What are you even doing here anyway? Shouldn't you be in school?" It was a Wednesday and all the boys were at school including Jacob so I had absolutely nothing to do. Emily was trying to teach me how to cook but kicked me out after I set a towel on fire and almost burned the house down. Don't ask me how I did it I have no idea.

"I'm home schooled." He shrugged his shoulders like it was no big deal. "I was heading to Sams when I saw you so I decided to come scare you but we both now how that turned out." 

I let out a small laugh and started to walk in the direction I had came. "Come on let's go then. The others should be back any time now." 

"Ok race you!" The boy stripped down to his boxers and shifted and I took off my top layed of clothes and tied them around my ankle, leaving me in my sports bra and underwear, before shifting and chasing after him.

We ran the entire way back and when we got back I immediately ran over to Jacob who was standing in the driveway with the others. I pushed my head into him and he laid a hand on my head and my tail wagged like a puppy.

"Hey Wren, hi Seth. What are you guys doing?" I hadn't realized that Seth had already shifted back when he responded to Jacobs question. 

"We were on the beach and were racing back. I won by the way." He said looking at me. I rolled my eyes and let out a playful growl. "Your just mad your slow." I jogged over and shoved him with my head making him stumble backwards. "Hey that's not fair!"

I shoved him again and he shoved me back. We kept messing around until Sam came out of the house followed by Emily and told me to shift back. I ran behind the house and shifted, throwing my clothes on and running back to where the others were waiting. I immediately went over and hugged Jacob who rested his chin on my head as he hugged me back.

"Wren I decided that you are going to go to school with the others." I turned to face Sam, looking shocked.

"Wait what? I'm not going to school, not happening." I shook my head.

"Yes you are, you can't just be hanging around here all day." Sam said sounding strict.

"You do!" I said back sounding stubborn. 

"Wren I'm older than you, I'm already done with school. Emily already bought you your school supplies your going to school with Jacob and the rest of the pack tomorrow."

"Yeah no. Not happening." No way was I going to school and being the outsider.


I was sitting in the school parking lot on the back of Jakes bike. Sam had threatened to put me on double patrol for a month if I didn't. "Come on Wren the others are waiting." Jake said grabbing my hand and pulling me from the bike.

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