The pack

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I took a deep breath before continuing, "Almost a year ago my parents were having a new year party and we were having a huge bonfire as usual, it was tradition. Everyone was laughing and haveing fun and to be honest it was amazing. I had phased for the first time ever about a week before that but never since then so I was separating myself from the crowd just in case. Turns out that was a huge mistake." I went silent for a moment as I thought about the rest of the story.

"I was a decent ways away from the bonfire and everyone else because they were shooting off fireworks and it had hurt my ears at the time because of my new over powered senses. I was reading a book when I smelt something terrible. I ignored it at first but soon it was to much so I went to check it out but I was to late..."

Tears were threatening  to spill out of my eyes but I blinked them back, not wanting to look weak. "As I crawled out of my hideing place I heard a bunch of shouting when suddenly there was a huge explosion that came from the bonfire. It hadn't rained in days so everything was dry and it all burned fast... I tried to help but I couldn't get there in time and I couldn't phase and risk being seen. By the time the fire had died out everyone was... gone. I found them, my parents, they were in each others arms. I had no idea what had caused the explosion and still don't know. I couldn't take it anymore, I broke down, phased, and ran. When you all had found me that was the first time I had been human ever since."

We sat in silence for a moment before Jacob slowly took me into his arms and hugged me, I hadn't realized it until then but tears were pouring down my face. "I'm sorry. That must've been terrible I'm so, so sorry.". 

I was stiff for a moment but then I slowly relaxed into his arms and allowed him to hug me. It felt, comforting, I felt safe. We both sat there for a moment, me still in his arms. Finally after a few minutes of comforting silence I spoke up. "When did you phase Jacob?"

"A a few months ago. I wasn't very happy about it at first but I don't mind as much anymore."

We both sat there just talking for a while when we heard a deep howl coming from the house. Jacobs head spun around and he stood up quickly, careful though as to not knock me down. 

"That was Sam. Come on let's go see what he wants."

He reached down to help me stand and I grabbed his hand as he pulled me to my feet. We started walking and I realized he hadn't let go of my hand and looked down blushing a bit. I quickly glanced at him and realized he was smiling. We got back to Emilys house and everyone was waiting for us.

"Hey there lovebirds. Took you long enough." A boy I didn't recognize spoke up from where he was sitting on the couch and I let go of Jacobs hand but didn't move away from him.

"Shut it Jared. Wren this is the pack. Jared, Paul, Quil, Embry, And and you already know Jacob." I looked at the room of boys and they were honestly kind of intimidating looking but for some reason I didn't feel scared. "Guys this is Wren as you've all guessed. She's Jacobs imprint and Jacob is hers." I looked at him shocked for a moment. I already knew that but hearing him saying it out loud actually confirmed it.

I looked at Jacob but he was already smiling at me. I gave a small smile but my head was spinning. 'How can I trust these people' 'What If something happens to him?' 'What if he doesn't want me?' I had barely known this boy for a entire day but I already felt a urge to be next to him, like a magnet, like I was being drawn towards him.

He must've noticed the conflicted look on my face because he reached over and took my hand instantly calming me. "Now that's that settled we need to decide what to do with you, obviously you can't go back to your own home. Emily already agreed with me that you could live here in one of extra bedrooms if you wanted."

"Wait what are you talking about? What to do with me? You don't have to do anything with me, I don't want to be a problem". As I started to protest Jacob turned me to face him.

"Wren you are not a problem so don't even think that. We want to help you, I want to help you. Your with us now. You don't have to be alone." He looked into my eyes as I considered it but finally I slowly nodded.

"Ok. Thank you all. I've been alone for a long time I'm just nervous sorry." Emily smiled and came over and hugged me and I slowly hugged her back, surprised by her enthusiasm.

"Finally another girl around here! I swear these guys can get nuts sometimes." The boys started to protest and I allowed myself to smile. "Now come on, I'll show you your room.". Emily took my hand and tugged me down a hallway forcing me to let go of Jacobs. I frowned at him and he only laughed at my expression.

Emily led me to a door and when I opened it I couldn't help but gasp. "This is mine?" The room was very open and had a queen sized bed in the corner, on the other side of the room was a desk and a T.V. As I took the room in I couldn't help but smile. It had a very outdoorsy feel to it and I loved it.

"You can decorate it however you would like, I understand if you want to change something." I cut her off and turned and hugged her. She hugged me back with a smile on her face before I answered her.

"It's great Emily Thank you, and thanks for letting me stay here. I'm sorry for how I was acting earlier."

She put a hand on my arm and gave me a sympathetic smile, "It's ok Wren, I get it these guys can be a bit overwhelming." She gave me another brief hug before leading me back to the others. 

When we got back into the room everyone else was leaving the house. Emily motioned for me to follow them and I waved to her before running to catch up with the others. When I finally caught up Jared walked over and ruffled my hair and I swatted his hand away as he laughed. "We're going Cliff diving you wanna come?"

"What do you mean Cliff diving? I don't feel like dieing today thanks." The boys laughed at my response before Jacob spoke up.

"It's Ok Wren its a fun. A total rush and scary as Hell but fun." I looked up at him and couldn't help but smile when he looked at me. 

"Ok fine. But if I die I'll come back and murder all of you." They all cheered and started to run towards the forest. I'm guessing that's the way there but I couldn't tell.

"Come on Grove I'll race you!" I looked over and saw Jared already running and I laughed and took off after him straight into the forest. I was smaller than all of them but I quickly passed Jared and kept running. At this point I started to see a break in the tree line so I figured that was where the cliffs were.

I turned slightly and headed towards the opening and I could hear the others yelling behind me but I ignored them thinking they were just mad about loosing. I broke through the tree line and before I knew what was happening I was skidding to stop to avoid falling over a cliff.

I tried to stop but I couldn't and fell over the side of the cliff as I screamed.

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